AuPhalanx said:Hi, guys!
I'll answer as many questions as I can. I am a mere amateur at using it, though. I am highly confident that someone here at MR will be able to give a TRUE professional appraisal of PitStop. Until then...
Have fun... Tony.
RideIt said:I have Pitstop as well and know that is works by an action list, but like you where, I am a little wet behind the ears and not sure everything it can do,
I've been having problems editing text, it tells me that font is not installed and I can't make the change? Any Idea why it won't let me change the text.
AuPhalanx said:RideIt!
Off the top of my head, it sounds like the fonts were not embedded into the PDF. Without the fonts embedded, you'll be able to do very little - if any - editing. Even with fonts embedded, it's not like one can edit the text, as in adding paragraphs and such; but there is plenty one can do. You should be able to edit the text with just Acrobat, though. If that is not working, then it defintely points to the fonts not being embedded.
I hope this helps.
Have fun... Tony.
RideIt said:Most of the pdf's i get the fonts are embedded.. humm makes me wonder if its something with my computer..