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Original poster
Aug 19, 2002
Mid-West USA
Is there a way to control Apple Music app. from the menu bar. I seem to remember I could do this a few years back. Maybe I'm dreaming???
By menu bar do you mean the dock? If so you can as Papanate said just drag the app to the dock, or you can open the app then right click the icon on the dock and under the options menu select "Keep on dock"

If you really mean to add it to the menu bar, open control panel and drag the music module to the menu bar. This will allow you to open the Music app select a playlist and start/stop once selected. To remove just command click and drag off the menu bar.
Which macOS version?

Anytime Music app is running I get this little play-symbol in my menu bar. When I click it it shows:

Skjermbilde 2024-02-07 kl. 06.16.50.png

Along with play/pause/fwrd controls for Music, with current playlist shown, any stream open in my browser is also shown. I can't remember doing anything to get it there, the menu item, I mean.

Other than that, I mostly use the F-buttons on my magic keyboard:
F7 - previous
F8 - play/pause
F9 - next
…and, of course the controls for all mac audio, not just Music:
F10 - mute
F11 - softer
F12 - louder
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