I have just purchased a 15 inch mac book pro with a normal spinning hardrive.
After reading about solid state hardrives I hoped to save some money and buy one by Christmas and install it. While reading solid state hardrive reviews on cnet, I came across an interesting news artical.
"While Apple has included SSD as options in its systems for a couple of years, the support for these garbage collection routines has only been implemented for the latest MacBook Pro systems, and only for SSD drives that are shipped with the systems. This means that if you purchase a third-party SSD drive that supports TRIM, OS X will not use it."
From my understanding, This is saying that mac os does not support this recycoling feature needed for ssd hardrives to function properly. If you do not buy one pre installed from apple.
see the whole article here:
this was also written in april before Lion came out. Does anyone have a update on this situation? Does Lion support the installation of new SSD hardrives? I have never read a negative rew on youtube. Do you think I should sent the machine back to apple and ask for a solid state hardrive pre installed ??????? PLease help.
After reading about solid state hardrives I hoped to save some money and buy one by Christmas and install it. While reading solid state hardrive reviews on cnet, I came across an interesting news artical.
"While Apple has included SSD as options in its systems for a couple of years, the support for these garbage collection routines has only been implemented for the latest MacBook Pro systems, and only for SSD drives that are shipped with the systems. This means that if you purchase a third-party SSD drive that supports TRIM, OS X will not use it."
From my understanding, This is saying that mac os does not support this recycoling feature needed for ssd hardrives to function properly. If you do not buy one pre installed from apple.
see the whole article here:
this was also written in april before Lion came out. Does anyone have a update on this situation? Does Lion support the installation of new SSD hardrives? I have never read a negative rew on youtube. Do you think I should sent the machine back to apple and ask for a solid state hardrive pre installed ??????? PLease help.