Hi, I am a new user on this forum! Thanks for having me here. I have a small yet general question to ask, and would love to hear your opinions. I am planning on saving up money to get the Ipad Air 4 WI-FI (64 GB) version, and I wonder if that's enough? I will use it to watch Netflix, Youtube, Browse social media (Instagram, Twitter) and occasionally draw on it. I understand that the 256 GB version is a more safer choice but looking at my personal usage, I feel that it is not really a MUST although it is safer. I would love your opinions on this. It'd be greatly appreciated. The reason why I'm planning on getting the 64GB version is because it's cheaper. It cost around 2.3k and the 256 GB cost around 3k, it's quite a huge difference, so that's my biggest issue. Hope you understand.