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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 27, 2013
Happy 2019,
I need to track a lot of reports the are written by several persons in cooperation. So I need to manage loads of individual deadlines for different persons. I have been looking at software like omniplan but I want to be able to map a gnat short to ical reminders (my calendar and everyday planning tool). Thus I want to plan in the software and from there mapp reminder to be exported to iCal.

Any ideas?
Perhaps you can take a look at Asana.
IMHO it's a solid planning software, where every project's calendar can be exported to iCal.
Here is the article on the Google Calendar integration, but it should work with iCal equally.
Sounds interesting but i am lacking for somthing that is not storing the data i the Cloud.
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Can i export dreadlines or internal events from a Project to
Yes you can. The export can be further customized by filtering on Activity, Resource or Time.
The result is an .ics file that you can open in iCal and add to any calendar in there.

Schermafbeelding 2019-01-04 om 08.16.01.png
Something like GoodTask, maybe, since you're using Reminders and Calendar? I'm looking at it myself as an alternative to Todoist.

Available on both iOS and macOS.
I have tested the suggested options and Merlin is to advanced and good Tasks to simple. I need to be able to break on task into subtasks with separate deadlines and don't want to re-export every time I change something in the planner.
AppStore recommended something just before Christmas but I forgot the name :(

anyone that have tried QuickPlan?
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Yes, me again (beta-tester) ;-) However, on iPad only.
I try to sketch planning diagrams during team meetings, even though the screen is rather small to be really practical.
There is no iCal export, only MS Project File (xml) and WBS File.

I'm still puzzled by something in your setup: you want to steer clear from Cloud storage, but at the same time to perform an export from one app into another. How would you plan the latter without some sort of Cloud? Your answer might help me narrow down some, not sure...
I just want to hav all my reminders in one place. I use ical (calendar) and reminder frequently and I just want the deadlines and reminders from teh project software to go though the sam channels I anyway use. I also share my calendar with others so these persons should not be bothered with the planning but need to be knowing my deadlines and millstones etc. to not schedule other things when my time is needed.
OK, so you share your calendar with others, but at the same time you want a solution that does not store data in the cloud ?
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So you need a project schedule Gantt app which store the project data on the device and supports to share task to the team.

- QuickPlan the best Gantt app which stores the data on the device (or by your choice to store on your cloud storage)

- QuickPlan for Slack BOT can help to share tasks (of the project created by QuickPlan) to the team members without the need to share the whole project file.

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