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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 19, 2010
St. Louis
What's up with the recent update? It crashes before I can even play it. I'm sure it will take another week to correct this.
It's working fine on my phone after the update. Maybe try deleting the game and reinstalling it?
I didn't buy it because all the reviews said it was crashing. Just gonna wait for another update. ^^;

Play FlightControl or something. xD
It worked!

I deleted and reinstalled the app and it's up and running, but my saved data is gone. Thanks
I would love another one, too. Liked all the mini games, survival mode, tree of wisdom...yeah want another one of those.
I just installed this game for the first time ever tonight and it crashes before it even gets passed the pop cap screen. Anybody else having this trouble? I assume it's on the latest version since i just got it tonight. I've tried deleting and reinstalling and same problem.
Plants vs Zombies is my favorite game on iPhone. Angry Birds would rank #2. I just love the production values for PvZ better, it was funnier, Crazy Dave rocks, and the ending music video was funny and rewarding. But it was fairly easy as I got all the achievements within a week. I have never lost beating the Final Boss each time and the only hard parts where I had some mild struggle was the levels with the fog. The rooftop was a cinch. Angry Birds has more replay value, but can be frustrating sometimes. Some of the birds like the woodpeckers and toucans could feel so worthless at times in certain levels. My fav birds are the black ones that act like bombs.

I do not plan to update PvZ, and not only because of the crashes I hear about. I want to keep my Michael Jackson zombie for as long as I can! Now if they bring the Zen Garden and more mini-games, then I will consider losing Jacko and better icon.
Deleted, rebooted and reinstalling now. Hopefully it works!

Update: Still quits at the pop-cap loading screen. this sucks

Second update: Tried a few times. Same result :-(
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