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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 16, 2008
San Diego, CA
If you were one of the very lucky ones who bought Nescaline when it was in the app store a few months back, you can play NES games on your iPad. The games are so much easier to play on the iPad, but you have to play in portrait mode...landscape mode puts the buttons a bit too far away from your thumbs.

For those that didn't get Nescaline when it was out, this should give you something to look forward to when a jailbreak is released and you can install iNES on your iPad :D



I want to say that it was in the app store 3-4 months ago and it was $5.99. Apple pulled it quickly because they said that it infringes on Nintendo's intellectual property, even though they did not include any games and none of Nintendo's code.

I guess they didn't have the legal team to fight with Nintendo and Apple to make this happen. Too bad because it would sell thousands of copies if it was let back in!
I can guarantee you that we will see native iPad emulator apps for all the popular retro consoles. I bet that even psx will run at full speed!
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