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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 4, 2005
And it's very nice :)

I decided to take the plunge after wanting to do some shots that my little canon ixus 400 just couldn't cope with.

My dads a pretty keen amateur photographer, so I decided to follow family traditions and up my game :)

I'm hoping to learn more about photography as time goes by, but the first photos off it look pretty good...

I heard some bad things about the cheaper canon lenses that ship as the kit for the 350, and decided on going for two sigma lenses instead, the 18-50mm f3.5-5.6 and the 55-200 f4 - 5.6

Still cheap and cheerful compared to pro kit, but reviews favorably with all the magazine reviews I found online

Any books or guides on the net anyone can point me towards for a "beginners guide" would be much appreciated.

Also, here's an example shot of what I'm getting at the moment.

Full size is at


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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 4, 2005
Clix Pix said:
Nice shot! You're so lucky that your kitty will pose for you.... the minute mine sees the camera, regardless of what lens is on it, he skulks away or at least shuts his beautiful blue eyes and turns his head. Bah!


the posing appears to be a double edged sword at the moment actually, as after this shot was taken, he slowly tried to paw at the lens....
It was a slow playful paw, but I bet those claws could still make a mess of my newly paid for glass :eek:

Funnily enough, all I could think was, "that'd make a great picture" :rolleyes:

Also thanks to Abstract for the warm welcome!

I'd love to borrow my daddys lenses, but he's just ebayed his cannon kit to purchase a whole new rig :mad:


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Welcome to the fold indeed. :)

Play around with those lenses...they sound like pretty nice glass. Here's one recommendation... try taking that same picture of your cat with the 55-200 lens at the long end of the throw (200 mm), and see what it looks like. Note the difference in the depth of field, and the ability that will give you to draw concentration to your subject.

Another little suggestion is to try avoiding overuse of the zoom controls on your lens. Explore a little with the idea of moving your body instead of the lens. In the process, you will learn a *lot* about what the adjustments on your camera do, and how to set up a shot. Later, you can use the zoom features. But they'll be better for you when you have already done this. It's good to practice setting out to take a number of pictures at a certain focal length. Say, set your longer Sigma to 100mm or 200mm, and leave it there. And see what you need to do to get the picture you want, and how the 100mm and 200mm pictures differ.

I think you're going to enjoy your new toy! :)


macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 4, 2005
law guy said:
I'm curious too. And what's in the rig (which body, lenses, etc) he's selling? Again just curiousity getting the best of me.

He's ebayed off his canon 1d and 70 - 200mm f4 and 17-40mm lenses, and is now looking at the Olympus E1 or E500's with some good quality glass.

Says the 1d was an amazing camera (and it is, I've seen the images) but it was just too heavy for him to carry around now.

Here's a few more shots

Pic 1
Aperture: f3.5
Shutter Speed: 1/30

Pic 2
Aperture: f5
Shutter Speed: 1/60

Pic 3
Aperture: f4
Shutter Speed: 1/60


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John T

macrumors 68020
Mar 18, 2006
nihilisticmonk said:
I heard some bad things about the cheaper canon lenses that ship as the kit for the 350
Don’t believe everything you read/hear! For what they are they are excellent. It’s the person behind the camera that makes a good picture – not the equipment!


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
John T said:
It’s the person behind the camera that makes a good picture – not the equipment!

I think it's not an awful lens, but I disagree with this. I take better pictures with other lenses than the stock Canon lens, using the same technique. The ability of the photographer comes first. But there *are* also mechanical limitations. When I got my 50 f/1.4, I basically lost all desire to use my kit lens unless I wanted a wide angle.

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
It's pretty well known that the kit lens for the Digital Rebel and its successor really is not really that great of a lens, but most people do go ahead and purchase and use other lenses anyway. The kit lens is more of an economical convenience for the person buying his or her first digtal SLR and who doesn't have other lenses yet or maybe doesn't have the funds to buy anything else right away after plunking out the money for the Digital Rebel and the kit lens....
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