Since some one has found a way to play xvid on apple tv. How to you play them in itunes. I have never been able to add them to my library on my pc. There doesn't seem to be any xvid codecs for quick time on the pc.
Wow thanks for the hospitality on my first post. Telling me I am screwed is so helpful. Then how are people playing in on AppleTV?
I'm not being inhospitable, I'm just stating a fact. Besides, that's why I added the smileyif you'd been talking to me in real life it would've been like a jovial "You're screwed!" shouted while smiling with my arms up in the air. That's hard to convey on the Internet. Chill.
There aren't any QuickTime components that support XviD on Windows, that's what I was saying. The Apple TV can play it now because it runs OS X, and there ARE QuickTime components for OS X that enable XviD playback.
Alright I under stand now. Your right is is hard to understand sarcasm in text, my apologies for misunderstanding you. I am surprised that now one has come up with a codec for quicktime in windows.
I think it's less that it's particularly hard to come up with, and more that there's simply almost zero demand. Because XviD/DivX are already supported in the myriads of other DirectShow/VfW media players on Windows (and because so many people seem to hate QuickTime Player on Windows... and not entirely without reason), no one's bothered making one.
I'm thinking that the newly hackable AppleTV might change that, but who knows how long that might take.
You need to create a "reference movie" that iTunes will be able to use, which basically links to the xvid/whatever file.
Check out
As for if it is possible on Windows, no idea sorry...
I know this thread is old but never mind.
You can just use Handbrake and convert it a mp4 file and then it plays directly in itunes and front row, presto. 2 minutes and your done..
Wow thanks for the hospitality on my first post. Telling me I am screwed is so helpful. Then how are people playing in on AppleTV?