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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 7, 2009
Are there any PS3 owners that can help me with this conundrum? I am making 1080P m4vs, and I know that they will play on the PS3 because the ones that are less than 4.3gigs in size transfer easily over a flash drive and play very well o the PS3. I can't, however, figure out how to get larger file sizes to transfer over. I can't stream because the playback is broken up and stutters, and I don't want to transcode the file. Is there any way to get these larger file sizes to transfer to the HD of the PS3?
The problem is that the PS3 uses FAT32 filesystem which has a file size limit of 4GB. You can not get around that.

Apparently MKV2VOB can split files in to 4GB chunks so you can store a larger movie without re-encoding.

Also, if your files are sub 8GiB you can burn them to DVD9 (dual layer).
The problem is that the PS3 uses FAT32 filesystem which has a file size limit of 4GB. You can not get around that.

I've read that this is not true and that it can play files bigger than 4gigs. The flash drive, which has to be formatted to FAT32, does have that file size limit.

Apparently MKV2VOB can split files in to 4GB chunks so you can store a larger movie without re-encoding.

When I put these split files on the PS3, will they combine somehow.

Also, if your files are sub 8GiB you can burn them to DVD9 (dual layer).

I've tried this, and the file appears corrupt to the PS3 and I don't know why.
I've read that this is not true and that it can play files bigger than 4gigs. The flash drive, which has to be formatted to FAT32, does have that file size limit.
My bad, I thought FAT32 was used for internal and external drives. Googling the PS3's file size limit indicates that Sony's file handling is a complete hack-job.

Try remuxing your movies to ts or m2ts with only AC3 audio, then transfer them to the PS3's HDD over the network. I don't know if TsMuxer supports M4V so you may have to demux the streams first.

When I put these split files on the PS3, will they combine somehow.

Not sure. Does the PS3 have a playlist functionality or play files sequentially when the current one has finished playing? Either way, you'll probably only end up with 3 parts for a 1080p movie.
The PS3 can play file of any size, but as you've discovered the problem is getting the files on to the PS3. The PS3 will only read drives/memory sticks that are formated using FAT32, which has a 4Gb file size limit.

If you running a Windows system then you could use RedKawa Fileserver to copy the files to your PS3 over your network.

1. Download and install RedKawa Fileserver
2. Run RedKawa and make a note of the web address it gives you at the top of the window, for me it was
3. Press the launch File Server Button, this should open a webpage with a list of drives on your computer.
4. Press the Settings button at the bottom of the webpage.
5. Under the Approved Download Directories section, add the location of your movie files. eg mine was C:\Movies\

6. Now goto your PS3 and start the web browser.
7. Enter the address that you noted from step 2
8. You should have the same web page that you had on your PC.
9. Navigate to the movie you want to transfer to the PS3.
10. If you press X on the movie it will stream to the PS3 and play.
11. However we want to copy it to the PS3 so press Triangle.
12. Go down to the file menu and press X.
13. Now go down to save target and press X
14. Now wait this can take a very long time if your file is large..........
15. Select the destination Hard Disk and press X.
16. The file is now being downloaded to your PS3 hard drive.
17. Mission Complete:D:D:D
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download ps3 media server and share the folder where your .mpg files are kept.

connect the two via ethernet cable. you can use a hub/connect them directly.

in internet settings make sure you have set media player to enabled.

browse to where your files are kept on the xmb i.e videos>ps3 media server>your folder., with the file highlighted press triangle and select copy.

the file size limit is now irrelevant.
Yep, I should have said that any media server will work, I just like RedKawa because it dosen't rely on DLNA and it seems faster to me.
download ps3 media server and share the folder where your .mpg files are kept.

connect the two via ethernet cable. you can use a hub/connect them directly.

in internet settings make sure you have set media player to enabled.

browse to where your files are kept on the xmb i.e videos>ps3 media server>your folder., with the file highlighted press triangle and select copy.

the file size limit is now irrelevant.

This solution is not quite working for me. I've done everything suggested with no luck.
any error messages, i have sometimes found that it doesnt play with the mac firewall and always asks for approval, so i have turned the firewall off.

this assumes a mac os x version of 10.6.8 and ps3 media server version of 1.20.409.

i assume you have rebooted all the hardware and have local access to the files, for files hosted on a time capsule, i sometimes forget to mount this.
You can stream very large files from a Mac to the ps3 with ps3 media server if you have a hard wire connection. If you don't have the option to hard wire it, press the triangle button and chose to copy the file to the ps3. It will take a long time but once it's done you can watch the video without any hiccups.
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