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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 15, 2005

My uncle gave me and my sister his older iPhone before upgrading to the new iPhone 3G. I have to activate and unlock the phone with iLiberty.

I have recently DFUed it, because I think I didn't do well the last time I used iLiberty. So I want to make things right now on when installing software and/or applications. Now that it has been DFUed, I can only see that the firmware is 1.1.4. However, I would like to know the original firmware and Boot Loader it came with, so I can decide when unlocking it, if I only "Unlock" or if I also "Unlock it with 3.9FB".

If I write the following info, can you tell me what is the original Firmware and Boot loader it came with:

Model Number: A1203
IMEI No.: 011472006748667

Kind regards,

I believe you have an "Apple" iPhone.

It will probably tell you the storage capacity somewhere on the back. :rolleyes:
Information is in this thread...

- Bootloader: There are two bootloaders in your iPhone. One is for the ARM Core. This one starts off the whole iPhone and its processes. The other bootloader is the SGold bootloader. This is the one we are interested in. The SGold bootloader comes in two versions so far (remember this will change with the introduction of the 3G iPhone) which are 3.9 and 4.6. The 3.9 version bootloader is the first one to ship out with the original iPhone from July all the way to week 44, 2007 iPhones. From week 45, 2007 iPhones started to ship with the 4.6 version.

You actually have to provide the serial number, not the IMEI, to tell which bootloader/baseband/firmware shipped on it. The third digit tells you the year (7 for 2007, 8 for 2008) and the fourth and fifth digits tell you the week number.
I wouldn't provide the serial number though. Kick it back into regular mode and instead of using iLiberty, use Pwnage. ;)
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