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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 20, 2009
So unfortunately my first post on macrumors has to be very negative one. My girlfriend wanting to be nice decided she would be jailbreak my phone to surprise me when i get out of work. (I had been talking about it and had mentioned i downloaded purplera1n) Little did she know i had recently installed 3.1 and was planning on downgrading back to 3.0 before the JB. So i come home to a bricked iphone 3gs 32g and am now going crazy.

Im sure im the only one on the planet that this has happened to. I have tried restoring 3.0 and 3.1 from DFU mode no luck..... any ideas??
Put the phone into restore mode, start over. Option click restore button should allow you to pick 3.0 restore IPSW. Set it up as new phone, then sync back your stuff from last backup.

Just so you know, I have read lots of posts that folks are not able to go back to 3.0 once they install 3.1, so good luck.
What are you doing leaving the house without your phone?

haha, well i had just dressed it up like a gentleman in a white switcheasy case, and was alittle nervous about gettin it dirty. Not that it matters much now
Put the phone into restore mode, start over. Option click restore button should allow you to pick 3.0 restore IPSW. Set it up as new phone, then sync back your stuff from last backup.

Just so you know, I have read lots of posts that folks are not able to go back to 3.0 once they install 3.1, so good luck.

I have successfully gone back to 3.0 from 3.1. Just put the phone into DFU mode, restore to 3.0, then run purplera1n you should be fine.
I have successfully gone back to 3.0 from 3.1. Just put the phone into DFU mode, restore to 3.0, then run purplera1n you should be fine.

It restores, goes through all the steps until it tries verifying firmware, then i get an unknown error (1015)
You could try to find the 3.0 firmware with google instead of using the restore. Then use the DFU mode when itunes wants to restore hold SHIFT and choose the downloaded firmware. That should work unless Apple has changed things within the firmware. Good luck
You could try to find the 3.0 firmware with google instead of using the restore. Then use the DFU mode when itunes wants to restore hold SHIFT and choose the downloaded firmware. That should work unless Apple has changed things within the firmware. Good luck

no luck
Are you honest enough to live with it bricked until newer jailbreak software surfaces on the web? If you are, bravo. But i'd guess many would not be so honest. What i'm not going to do is tell you to take a generic ipod connector and then do not cut off the usb end and most certainly do not take any of those cut wired which might be stripped and touch those wires to your car battery. Because that would cause your iphone battery to fry and then when you call apple to have it looked at by a genius he or she would have no way to know if you breached the software user agreement by attempting to altering it. Which would leave them no choice but to give you a replacement. But i'm telling you not to do this, it would be dishonest.
So unfortunately my first post on macrumors has to be very negative one. My girlfriend wanting to be nice decided she would be jailbreak my phone to surprise me when i get out of work. (I had been talking about it and had mentioned i downloaded purplera1n) Little did she know i had recently installed 3.1 and was planning on downgrading back to 3.0 before the JB. So i come home to a bricked iphone 3gs 32g and am now going crazy.

Im sure im the only one on the planet that this has happened to. I have tried restoring 3.0 and 3.1 from DFU mode no luck..... any ideas??

Sorry for your problems, but this is the perfect testimonial about why not to rush into the newest, latest, greatest BETA firmware !

You can just have some solace in the fact you are not alone ! Based on the posts I have seen, you have lots of company !
well for anyone who may have this problem, just be sure your device is registered in the dev program portal, and when you enter DFU mode to restore back to 3.1 itunes will recognize it.. Stupidity on my part but thank you everyone willing to lend a hand!! hope i dont get bashed to hard for this one haha
Having a thoughtful girlfriend is a reason not to use a Beta?

Only thing I can think of is to go with the "screw Apple" route and mess up your phone to the point that they have to give you a replacement. I think the firmware has completely messed it up since that and the baseband aren't compatible.
Are you honest enough to live with it bricked until newer jailbreak software surfaces on the web? If you are, bravo. But i'd guess many would not be so honest. What i'm not going to do is tell you to take a generic ipod connector and then do not cut off the usb end and most certainly do not take any of those cut wired which might be stripped and touch those wires to your car battery. Because that would cause your iphone battery to fry and then when you call apple to have it looked at by a genius he or she would have no way to know if you breached the software user agreement by attempting to altering it. Which would leave them no choice but to give you a replacement. But i'm telling you not to do this, it would be dishonest.

Yeah, uhm, I'm not so sure about that...:rolleyes:
Are you honest enough to live with it bricked until newer jailbreak software surfaces on the web? If you are, bravo. But i'd guess many would not be so honest. What i'm not going to do is tell you to take a generic ipod connector and then do not cut off the usb end and most certainly do not take any of those cut wired which might be stripped and touch those wires to your car battery. Because that would cause your iphone battery to fry and then when you call apple to have it looked at by a genius he or she would have no way to know if you breached the software user agreement by attempting to altering it. Which would leave them no choice but to give you a replacement. But i'm telling you not to do this, it would be dishonest.

I'm glad you told him not to do this, because that would just be dishonest, you know. :rolleyes:
Well if you happened to buy it at Best Buy and got the insurance, just slam it on the ground and take it in for a new one.
Purplera1n doesn't check the firmware on the phone to make sure its compatible? :rolleyes:

Redsn0w wins again.

Well, I guess Geohot just counts on the jailbreakers to not be complete retards and be able to count basic numbers.

How silly of him to expect so much.
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