So here is my problem. I have purchased various Blu-Ray movies and along with my DVDs the collection is just getting too big. For a while now I have been using Handbreak to take some of my DVD's and put them into iTunes with a loss of just a little bit of quality. I have a Mac Pro and was thinking about buying a Blu-Ray burner so I can start ripping some of my Blu-Rays to put into iTunes. My only problem is that I really don't want to lose much quality. I have a TON of HD space so space isn't really an issue. My question is... Will Handbreak work the same as it does with Blu-Ray? and can I get the full 1080p out of them? I have my Mac Pro hooked up to a really big HDTV so I kinda want the 1080p. Has anyone started doing this? Thank you.