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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 5, 2010
So here is my problem. I have purchased various Blu-Ray movies and along with my DVDs the collection is just getting too big. For a while now I have been using Handbreak to take some of my DVD's and put them into iTunes with a loss of just a little bit of quality. I have a Mac Pro and was thinking about buying a Blu-Ray burner so I can start ripping some of my Blu-Rays to put into iTunes. My only problem is that I really don't want to lose much quality. I have a TON of HD space so space isn't really an issue. My question is... Will Handbreak work the same as it does with Blu-Ray? and can I get the full 1080p out of them? I have my Mac Pro hooked up to a really big HDTV so I kinda want the 1080p. Has anyone started doing this? Thank you.
My question is... Will Handbreak work the same as it does with Blu-Ray?
It's Handbrake actually;) You'll want to use MakeMKV to rip the movie off of the Blu-ray before encoding it with Handbrake.

can I get the full 1080p out of them?
Yes Handbrake will output any size you want. If like you said, you want the best quality and HD space is no problem then don't re-encode them just keep the mkv file that MakeMKV produces and use something like plex to play them.

Has anyone started doing this? Thank you.
I've been encoding my Blu-rays to 720p for ATV for awhile but have stopped at the moment until I get some more information on the rumored new 1080p AppleTV.

Thank you for helping out... I think I'm going to look around and see if it looks like there will be a 1080p apple TV. I would like to have all my Movies, Music, and TV shows in one location so iTunes would be nice. The only problem is I dont realy need all the extra stuff that is on the blu-ray so if ripping a high quality 1080p Apple TV version of a movie is possible for the future I would love that. Where di you get your Blu-Ray burner and how much do they usually cost? If you don't mind me askin.
My drive is a LG GGC-H20L it's quite old now, cost about £80(uk). I got it because it also reads HD-DVD's (which you can pickup dirt cheap now:D). I'm on a PC so not sure what your options are on a Mac.
My drive is a LG GGC-H20L it's quite old now, cost about £80(uk). I got it because it also reads HD-DVD's (which you can pickup dirt cheap now:D). I'm on a PC so not sure what your options are on a Mac.

I'm using the same drive in my MacPro and replaced the Apple SuperDrive with this. It's a little noisier than the SuperDrive but works fine on Snow Leopard.
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