Ok here how things are with the iPhone.
Firmware version 1.1.2 pre-installed means 4.6 Bootloader which allows HARDWARE unlock via TurboSIM, StealthSIM (any other hardware method). This hardware unlock of the iPhone costs $100 minimum if bought.
Software unlock can also be used. However, at this time it is not currently possible. With the new 4.6 Bootloader only 1.1.3+ secpack can be used to unlock an iPhone via software methods.
However once the software version of the unlock is available there will be two applications you can use.
1. anySIM - The free unlocking application from the iPhone Dev Team.
2. iPhone SimFree - The paid unlocking application.
Both work fine however are not useable for the moment on a OTB (out of Box) 1.1.2 iPhone.
Hope this clears things up a bit. In short, unlocking an iPhone right now is very costly at the moment.