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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 6, 2017
Hey There,

I am looking to do some light editing for youtube. I am going to have a small retro games channel that will have 1080p videos shot from my DSLR and gameplay footage from a capture card, also 1080p.

I had gotten the 27 inch IMAC a few months back, but i am disabled so it literally sat in box as i have been out of commission the last few months. When i set it up i noticed the 27 inch screen was massive and actually hurt my eyes because i sit rather close due to my disability and also use a small 13 inch Macbook Pro usually that my eyes are used to. I ended up selling the 27 inch because Apple wouldn't let me exchange for the 21.5 inch and because it hurts my eyes, i didn't like using it.

So now i am starting from scratch again and trying to see if the 21.5 inch would work for my needs, because i honestly think the 27 inch was overkill anyway for my needs anyway.

Would this 21.5 config work well to do 1080p editing like i described above in Final Cut Pro X?? Or will i have to somehow figure out a way to adjust to a 27 inch IMAC?

21.5 Retina 4k
i5 3.4-3.8 ( Can upgrade this if need be to the 3.8-4.2 I7)
16GB Ram
256 SSD
Gt 560 Pro 4GB

Thank you so much, i really appreciate any input

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macrumors 6502
Oct 30, 2017
What are the specs on your 13" MBP?

Assuming they're at all decent (current or last-gen), you might be better served by getting a USB 3.0 SSD for editing on the system that you're already comfortable with.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 6, 2017
What are the specs on your 13" MBP?

Assuming they're at all decent (current or last-gen), you might be better served by getting a USB 3.0 SSD for editing on the system that you're already comfortable with.
Thanks. Well the 13 inch is a bit small for video editing even if the specs are good enough, which the specs on this are definitely a no go for video editing anyway unfortunately.

I figured the 21 inch would be a nice middle ground to jump back and forth from the 13 to 21 inch. The 27 is just too darn big, i wish it wasn't, as this has been a pain in the ass selling it only to rebuy another.

I just am concerned the 21 inch doesn't have the power to do what i need it to in FCPX for 1080p editing


macrumors 65816
Dec 9, 2014
The 21.5 doesn't need as much pixel-pushing bandwidth from the GPU as the 27, since there aren't nearly as many pixels. (not even for the retina 21.5.) I can't imagine that the 21.5 would flounder, especially since CPU-wise it can be spec'ed to more or less match the 27. (I'm not an FCPX user so I don't know what choice is best, but the top-end i7 is no slouch, and the i5's are pretty fast as well.) Shell out for the SSD and I think you'll be fine with the smaller display.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 6, 2017
The 21.5 doesn't need as much pixel-pushing bandwidth from the GPU as the 27, since there aren't nearly as many pixels. (not even for the retina 21.5.) I can't imagine that the 21.5 would flounder, especially since CPU-wise it can be spec'ed to more or less match the 27. (I'm not an FCPX user so I don't know what choice is best, but the top-end i7 is no slouch, and the i5's are pretty fast as well.) Shell out for the SSD and I think you'll be fine with the smaller display.
Thanks. Yeah i am mostly concerned about the GPU TBH. Since it is considerably lower performing than the 570. The Ram, SSD, and CPU are all the same between the 27 inch i had and i will be keeping them that way for 21.5 4k as well.

I just hope the 560 GPU can handle the editing i need in FCPX :/


macrumors 6502
Oct 30, 2017
Thanks. Yeah i am mostly concerned about the GPU TBH. Since it is considerably lower performing than the 570. The Ram, SSD, and CPU are all the same between the 27 inch i had and i will be keeping them that way for 21.5 4k as well.

I just hope the 560 GPU can handle the editing i need in FCPX :/
A 560 will probably be just fine for HD. I'd only worry if you plan on editing 4K or 8K video.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 6, 2017
A 560 will probably be just fine for HD. I'd only worry if you plan on editing 4K or 8K video.
Yeah that is what i figured. I just am not used to macs and what they can do, i build my computers usually but really want to use FCPX so had to go with a mac. Thanks again


macrumors 6502a
Mar 21, 2005
Another option might be to pickup an LG 4k monitor. I have the 27" version for my mbp and they work really well together (assuming you have a usb-c input). Or you could opt for another external monitor.

That said, I think the 21.5" iMac would be the best for your needs. I was just throwing out another option to consider.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
For video editing, you want a 27" model. More screen real estate.

That said, if it's just going to be 1080p, you should be able to do this on any of them.

I'd suggest the 27" 3.5ghz "midrange" model, upgraded with either a 256gb or a 512gb SSD.

Then... add more external storage via USB3.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 6, 2017
For video editing, you want a 27" model. More screen real estate.

That said, if it's just going to be 1080p, you should be able to do this on any of them.

I'd suggest the 27" 3.5ghz "midrange" model, upgraded with either a 256gb or a 512gb SSD.

Then... add more external storage via USB3.

Well if i could use the 27 inch that would be ideal, unfortunately it kills my eyes, between how close i stand to it and constantly switching back and forth to my 13 inch macbook.

So if the 560 Pro on the 21.5 inch can handle 1080p editing that would be ideal.



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 6, 2017
Another option might be to pickup an LG 4k monitor. I have the 27" version for my mbp and they work really well together (assuming you have a usb-c input). Or you could opt for another external monitor.

That said, I think the 21.5" iMac would be the best for your needs. I was just throwing out another option to consider.

Yeah the 21.5 inch seems to be more than capable for 1080p editing, i was just hoping to get some reassurance from the gurus here who really know macs before i go through with getting another.

Thanks so far everyone


macrumors 6502a
Feb 7, 2009
So if the 560 Pro on the 21.5 inch can handle 1080p editing that would be ideal.

Yes, the 560 will handle 1080p perfectly. I wouldn't worry about that. It's the same card as the most powerful 15'' MBP which people are using to edit 4K videos just fine, specially on Final Cut.

The i7 would allow you to have faster renders and encoding but for 1080p and light editing you should be fine with an i5.

For best performance get SSD and minimum 16GB of RAM.


macrumors 604
Oct 24, 2013
Any of apples current computers can handle light video editing in 1080p with aplomb, literally buy whatever you want.
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