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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 23, 2008
I have a 2G 8GB iphone that I got last march, and I have been jailbraking and unlocking it ever since to use on T-mobile, it is currently on 2.2.1.

I want to update to 3.0, but I am nervous, is there any reason why I should wait? Bugs, or other stuff?

Also when I updated to 2.2.1, my mac had the error that happens when it won't work with DFU, is this still an issue? (i.e. should I wait until the windows version is out so that I don't have to go without a phone)

Is there anything else that I should know, or will following the iclarified tutorial be ok?

Please help, I know there are other threads, but there are so many different things with different versions of the phone that I get confused, I just need to know for my phone.

Also why would I want to use redsn0w instead of the pwnage tool, or vise versa.
i used redsn0w to jailbreak and unlock my 2g iphone with t-mobile. i havent experienced any problems. youtube works, my location works, etc.

im just waiting on ultrasn0w to unlock my 3g and ill be good to go.
Ok thanks! Is there anything that is not good about using redsn0w instead of the pwnage tool?
Ok this is a really dumb question, but I just don't know how to do it. The iClarified tutorial for redsn0w says to extract the redsn0w file, how do I do that?! I just can't figure it out, I am probably just missing something, and I am fairly new to mac so...
how? Linky to tutorial?
Ok this is a really dumb question, but I just don't know how to do it. The iClarified tutorial for redsn0w says to extract the redsn0w file, how do I do that?! I just can't figure it out, I am probably just missing something, and I am fairly new to mac so...
all i did was open the redsn0w folder with WinRAR and extracted the contents into this folder i created specifically for redsn0w.
Thanks, I am on a mac, so it is different, but I figured it out, my phone is currently restoring from my backup. Yay! I hope all is well. :)
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