I have a 2G 8GB iphone that I got last march, and I have been jailbraking and unlocking it ever since to use on T-mobile, it is currently on 2.2.1.
I want to update to 3.0, but I am nervous, is there any reason why I should wait? Bugs, or other stuff?
Also when I updated to 2.2.1, my mac had the error that happens when it won't work with DFU, is this still an issue? (i.e. should I wait until the windows version is out so that I don't have to go without a phone)
Is there anything else that I should know, or will following the iclarified tutorial be ok?
Please help, I know there are other threads, but there are so many different things with different versions of the phone that I get confused, I just need to know for my phone.
Also why would I want to use redsn0w instead of the pwnage tool, or vise versa.
I want to update to 3.0, but I am nervous, is there any reason why I should wait? Bugs, or other stuff?
Also when I updated to 2.2.1, my mac had the error that happens when it won't work with DFU, is this still an issue? (i.e. should I wait until the windows version is out so that I don't have to go without a phone)
Is there anything else that I should know, or will following the iclarified tutorial be ok?
Please help, I know there are other threads, but there are so many different things with different versions of the phone that I get confused, I just need to know for my phone.
Also why would I want to use redsn0w instead of the pwnage tool, or vise versa.