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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 20, 2011
Hi all

Please help recommend an app to put Events & Tasks, Reminders onto Calendar & block time.
Great if there is a companion iPhone app.
(a.) Must work with native apple calendar.
(b.) Block time on calendar is must.

Looking for streamlining Work, Events and Task Managemnt (Both Work and Home)
in a Single View - for these Work_From_Home times.

Even if you can suggest such app for iPhone & it can synch with native Apple calendar.
It may ultimately synch the Mac calendar too.
(if anyone is using the iPhone way, kindly summarize your workflow. Will look to adopt the best practices)

Not been successful to locate any such. Please recommend if you know.

Many Thanks.


macrumors 68000
Dec 22, 2007
The cesspit of civilization
By "must work with native apple calendar" you mean "sync with iCloud"? Or maybe I'm not understanding, You need an app that works with apple's calendar app?

If I'm understanding right, you need a calendar/task app that blocks time and syncs through iCloud; in that case you could use almost any calendar app: fantastical and outlook come to mind.


macrumors 68020
Nov 3, 2004
You might look at GoodTask, although the Calendar part of it will be weak, that's not really what it's intended for.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 20, 2011
I think you probably need to explain your own workflow for this scenario.
(1) Work: Events and Tasks
a) Events:- For couple of ongoing projects & other sessions, the calendar invites I receive go as Events in calendars​
b) Tasks:- For stuff I need to act on, like create / make something, review, & such work related stuff that needs time and may also need to be tracked.​

(2) Personal/Family: To_Do
a) This is more personal stuff like Errands, Entertainment, Family occasions and stuff. Again needs time and some tracking.​
(3) Random Tasks / To_Do items that come up and need to be tracked
Note: Tasks / Todo items -- > while technically both are same, to clean and separate - in my mind I hold Task = work related, To_Do = Personal / family stuff.

For (1) b) and (2) & (3) I need them to be on the same app and calendar view. Able to create a Task from a Calendar event is super helpful.

By "must work with native apple calendar" you mean "sync with iCloud"? Or maybe I'm not understanding, You need an app that works with apple's calendar app?

If I'm understanding right, you need a calendar/task app that blocks time and syncs through iCloud; in that case you could use almost any calendar app: fantastical and outlook come to mind.

Yes work with Apple Calendar, this will keep it updated and plus since Mac Calendar and iPhone are synch (As they are same apple-id, it is easier to work. I don't mind acquiring and installing the app on both Mac & iPhone.​
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