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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 12, 2003
Northern California
I have a problem. Hopefully anyone could help:

I did an iMovie presentation with Digital Video Clips imported from a Sony Camcorder, and Pictures with iPhoto. I made transitions, effects, and titles… A very well elaborated movie lasting only 18 minutes.

I finished the Movie and run it in iMovie. It was great.
Then, the Movie was automatically transported into iDVD for burning a hard copy into a brand new DVD.

I burned it, and then played the DVD in a regular player. The Movie starts right, but as it continues, the sound looses completely the synchronization from the images! In fact by the time the movie finishes, the delay of sound is about 2 seconds!

So I called the Apple Store and they told me to burn another DVD.
Then, just to make sure, I made more modifications, to the movie, transported it to iDVD, runner a preview in iDVD to make sure that the audio was perfectly aligned with the video, and everything is perfect so far. Then I burn the DVD and is completely out of sync, the audio does not match the image.

I thought that it might be a hardware problem, so I did another test…
I exported the movie to QuickTime to my desktop in MOV format. And when I saw the movie in QuickTime, the sound was not align either!!!

It seems that while the movie remains within iMovie and iDVD the synchronization is perfect, but once iDVD exports it, it looses alignment!

It is my first time using life applications to create a movie.

I don’t know what to do. Apple employees can’t help it over the phone, I don’t qualify for apple care any more, and I have a presentation tomorrow!!!

Please help me!!!!!
I have the same problem when I try to play burned DVDs on my home player. I have found by simply pausing and replaying the sound/video are back in sync.

In my case, I truly believe its the player and not my Burner as I have played the same movies on (1) the drive I burned it on (2) my PC DVD Drive and both worked fine. I am about to have a friend try a disc on his player at home to see if my hypothesis is correct.

So to you I offer only this, Do you have another player to test with?
The record got permanently burned out of sync.

In fact we tried the CD in several players and even when i insert the dicsc back to my Mac, the movie comes out filling the screen and when I play it, it starts in sync and looses it progressively as it advances.

As I posted earlier, I even tried to export the movie in quicktime format to my desktop (not a DVD) and there is still that delay.

There is something really wrong with the export of the movie out of iDVD or iMovie.

I checked for updates or articles and all the apple articles say is: download the latest updates for iDVD and Quicktime.

I got a Powermac G4 1.42 dual processor and the latest update of OSX, latest update of iMovie (I think is 3.0.3) latest update of iMovie, and latest update of quicktime.

Once again, when I play the original track created in iMovie or even when I check the preview of the presentation on iDVD, everything is perfect. But once it gets exported, it becomes a real problem.

If you may know something, help me please, I have to give this presentation tomorrow!!

And thank you for your replies, thank you so much!
How long is video you are trying to burn to iDVD? And do you have the latest version of iMovie?

Also, check out this paper from Apple's Knowledge base Link.


I have seen that page, but now that I read it carefully, I found out that we did recorded everything in 12 bit audio. You might be right. The 12 bit audio might be the problem. I will try tonight to transfer the whole projet into a 16 bit audio to a camcorder, just as the article suggests. I just hope that when transfering to DV into the camera it won't loose the sync.

By the way the lenght is only 18 mins.

Thanks so much...
Re: Mmmmmhh....

Originally posted by gusanitoverde
I have seen that page, but now that I read it carefully, I found out that we did recorded everything in 12 bit audio. You might be right. The 12 bit audio might be the problem. I will try tonight to transfer the whole projet into a 16 bit audio to a camcorder, just as the article suggests. I just hope that when transfering to DV into the camera it won't loose the sync.

By the way the lenght is only 18 mins.

Thanks so much...

Its a good idea to record everything in 16-bit audio. Not only is it better quality but you can run into other "12-bit problems" because it can get quirkly on w/other software, not just iMovie. I'm not even sure why they included the 12-bit option anyway. Recording in 12-bit/32k allows you to record 4 audio tracks (as opposed to 2 tracks of 16-bit/48k audio) but how many consumers will ever have 4 seperate audio inputs? And pros, who could easily be in need of up to 4 independent audio tracks won't use it because of the reduced sound quality. Oh well.

I hope this fixes yer problem gusanitoverde. :)

Try to set up a few chapters

I had a problem capturing video that the audio went out of sync. so when i was capturing an hour i would cut it up into 5 - 10 minute parts and the problem was solved ...

no if pausing and stopping helps the problem

re burn using several chapters, and then run in one progression ... that way it will reload each chapter and it would be like stopping and playing

As soon as I arrived home from work and brought iMovie, my mac said "Your Project is Not Readable" and after that I could not find the iMovie file. It is nowhere to be found in the movies folder. This is such a nightmare!!!

Any ideas???
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