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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 24, 2011

I have a Mac Pro from early 2008, dual processor, dual core 2.8GHz, 10GB RAM, Snow Leopard (10.6.8). It came with the Mac Pro Raid card (late 2007) with a battery that never charges ("battery is precharging and can't be read") and refuses to do RAID because of it. I have two 300GB 15K SAS drives (st3300655ss).

I got a Highpoint 4310 RAID card and the MaxUpgrades extension (MaxConnect SAS/SATA Link with Multilane MiniSAS- MiniSAS Cable #SZ-DCMSAS-R2MS) that allows the cable that goes to the drive backplane to reach the Highpoint card.

I removed the Mac Pro RAID card and plugged the MiniSAS cable that used to go into it into the MacConnect extension and plugged the cable from that into the 4310.

I powered it all up and all that happens is that the red LED's on the memory boards flash continuously and the fan goes to maximum. There's no chime. I disassembled it all, put the Mac Raid Pro back in, and it's all fine again except I still can't get RAID to work.

I would be very very grateful for any help. Ideally, it would involve use of the 4310 but if you just tell me where to get a decent battery for the &^%$* Mac Pro RAID card (late 2007), that'd be helpful too.


Weary Peter in Toronto
4310 works but can't manage it to configure RAID


I configured a USB drive to boot Snow Leopard and now my 4310 sees the SAS drives and makes them available to the Mac Pro (it appears to be functioning simply as a SCSI controller) but I can't connect via http://localhost:7402 to configure them for RAID.

Any ideas?

Peter, encouraged
What are you doing for drivers?

I ask, as the RR4310 isn't listed on, or have OS X drivers on their main site (closest is the 4321). Since the 4321 uses drivers already in SL, then it seems you've proven they won't work with the 4310. :(

But if you can return the 4310, I'd recommend getting a different card. Either an Areca or ATTO (the Apple RAID Pro is a pile of junk, so it's best to just switch it for a better card). BTW, Areca and ATTO both work with OS X, and will also boot once the firmware has been flashed with EFI firmware that's available.
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