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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 23, 2006
Wales, UK
I am trying to print some info off safari, and I would like to know, when you highlight some text on a page, where is the option so you can just print the highlighted text, not the whole page?

Thanks in advance!
As far as I am aware there isn't one. As a work around drag the text into Text Edit (it's in /Applications) and print from there.
A quick Google search gave me this which will enable this is Safari as well as most other apps (via the Services Menu).

It also turned up Safari Magic which looks like it can do it from with Safari, but the webpage is so ugly I can't say for sure :D
I have not tried this so it may not work. But print to PDF in safari then highlight that text in preview and go to file>print and see if it allows you to print the selection.
Or crop it in preview and print it like that?
If you care about formatting, select Print, then Preview to see which page(s) you care about, then print only them.

If you don't care about formatting, select the text, go to Safari->Services->TextEdit->"New Window Containing Selection", which opens a window you can print and then close without saving anything.

I agree, neither solution is optimal, but both work on any up-to-date Mac.
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