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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 25, 2007
somehow an episode in my itunes library got corrupted and now wont play! if someone in USA could purchase the episode for me (in HD) and dropbox me it or something id be willing to paypal you $5, 2.99 for the ep :( really need it for my collection as there was no blu ray release and im in the UK so cant buy it off my own itunes


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No need to bump the thread after 29 minutes. I am not an expert on time travel, but I have the feeling, that the east coast is slowly waking up, even on a Sunday, and the west coast is still asleep somehow. Maybe you will get more responses with one of those descriptive thread titles and when the sun in Bangkok settles.
To edit your thread title to a descriptive one, just click on the
button on the bottom right of your original post and then click the
button below your message.
Yes be patient! At least half of MR members are US, and most of them will be asleep now.

The problem with transferring an iTunes episode is you need to authorise your computer, nobody is going to give you their iTunes user/password.

Where did you get the video from if it isn't available in the UK? Is that source no longer available?
oh gosh didnt even think about the time difference! sorry :eek: i bought the whole season using an itunes giftcard but cant do that anymore since itunes updated, if someone were to upload it to my dropbox or something id just remove the DRM, as i am paying for it and have no intention of doing anything shady with it. I could just download it for free online but not into illegal downloads :p the show was cancelled and probably wont be released on blu ray so really desperate for this one episode to fix my collection!
What is the video you want?

If you have paid for it already I personally see no problem with torrenting it. I'm not going to get into a big debate into legal/ethical issues though!
legend of the seeker season 2 episode titled 'hunger' I dont want to torrent it even though i already own it, as i dont want to support those downloading it illegally. I dont mind paying for it again if it means i have the best copy available.
Sorry, I've never even heard of that let alone own it! As I'm in the UK too I can't help you. Hopefully someone else will be able to help. :)
i normally wouldnt be bothered but it was cancelled and has little to no chance of being released on blu ray so itunes is my only option, or not lol
if someone were to upload it to my dropbox or something id just remove the DRM

There's only one method I know of to remove iTunes DRM and that still requires access to the iTunes account that purchased the file to begin with, and nobody is going to give you access to their account information.
somehow an episode in my itunes library got corrupted and now wont play! if someone in USA could purchase the episode for me (in HD) and dropbox me it or something id be willing to paypal you $5, 2.99 for the ep :( really need it for my collection as there was no blu ray release and im in the UK so cant buy it off my own itunes



Try this:

You're not going to be able to get around the DRM otherwise. That's why it's there. This way you are basically legal having paid for the video.
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