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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 21, 2014
I hope this makes sense!!

I have several photo events that are stored on my phone but are not on my mac. The reason this happened is I had a hard drive failure and i had to scrap my entire iPhoto library that i had on my mac. But they are still on my phone. i have since made new events in my iPhoto on my mac. i just ordered a new iPhone and in order to transfer the pics to my new phone I need them on my mac. how do i do this???? PLEASE HELP!!!:apple:
If you plug in your phone to the Mac, do you not get the option to import the photos into iPhoto? It should recognize them as not being synced to your mac and ask to download them.
I am thinking the only way is to email them then resave them. thank you!!!


only problem is I have about 1200 or so lol
If you plug in your phone to the Mac, do you not get the option to import the photos into iPhoto? It should recognize them as not being synced to your mac and ask to download them.

I second this. Whenever I plug in my iPhone to the mac, iPhoto pops open and allows me to import all of my photos and video from the phone to the computer. Hope this helps:)
The reason this happened is I had a hard drive failure and i had to scrap my entire iPhoto library that i had on my mac.

While you are fixing things, address the huge problem evidently not doing backups. Use Time Machine with a Time Capsule or locally connected drive. All drives is when...not if.
Just a heads up, but Google would have given you your answer in no time at all and you wouldn't have had to spent time on hear freaking out and waiting for someone to post the right information.

I tell all my tutees to use Google when they have an immediate question they need help with.

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