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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 29, 2014
I just received my new 2018 MBP! I would like to uninstall some of the apps like numbers, garageband, pages and keynote etc...
What is the best way to uninstall these apps?

Thank you so much!
I think it is totally worth it.

Absolutely agree! In another thread I mentioned Total CoO - Total Cost of Ownership. I feel that if you shelved out a ton of money for a Mac, you may as well spend a bit of money on decent apps. AppCleaner works perfectly.
First, if the app has an uninstaller, use it. This is particularly true of Adobe apps that spread their remnants all over your system. Sometimes, the uninstaller will appear in /Applications, sometimes it is a script buried in the .app bundle (right click the app, and choose show package contents).

App Cleaner works well for apps that don't include an uninstaller.

Else, drag the app to Trash, but this may leave a few remnants on the system.

Some apps have descriptions on their support site on how to uninstall, these generally involve navigating to various directories, many hidden or protected requiring sudo commands to remove them. This is fine, but takes patience to get it all cleaned out.
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GarageBand takes up a lot of space and if you're never going to use it, uninstall it, but...

I'd leave Pages, Keynote and Numbers there.
They don't use lots of space and you never know when you get a file that might need them.
This AppCleaner is the one you want:

Normally though, just deleting the app from Applications is fine.

I've never understood how that differentiates apps. Some will just not appear in the list of 'Applications', or let you drag them into the window. As one example, I updated Garage Band, but found I prefered the old one, which does click for removal in the list, but the new one will not drag into it or let me tick it in the list even though it's right next to the old one which does tick.
I've never understood how that differentiates apps. Some will just not appear in the list of 'Applications', or let you drag them into the window. As one example, I updated Garage Band, but found I prefered the old one, which does click for removal in the list, but the new one will not drag into it or let me tick it in the list even though it's right next to the old one which does tick.

I just drag and drop an app into the AppCleaner window, I’ve never tried the list version.

Sorry I can’t be of more help as I’m not familiar with the list way :(
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Basically just open it and click on the Applications on the left and it lists all, but it won't drag on to it for some reason??
"Basically just open it and click on the Applications on the left and it lists all, but it won't drag on to it for some reason??"

Open App Cleaner.
Open the Applications folder IN THE FINDER.
Drag and drop the app you want to get rid of into App Cleaner's window.
App Cleaner will scan the drive and then list all components of the app in its window.
Click the "remove" button.
Quit App Cleaner.
Empty trash.
"Basically just open it and click on the Applications on the left and it lists all, but it won't drag on to it for some reason??"

Open App Cleaner.
Open the Applications folder IN THE FINDER.
Drag and drop the app you want to get rid of into App Cleaner's window.
App Cleaner will scan the drive and then list all components of the app in its window.
Click the "remove" button.
Quit App Cleaner.
Empty trash.

That was my point, It won't drag and drop into it. They don't all do that. And the latest version of GarageBand won't.
I use AppZapper. It works exactly the same as AppCleaner, most likely vice-versa actually, or, AppCleaner works like AppZapper, anyway, zzz, it works exactly the same but the name is WAY cooler and better for your memory.
Peter Franks wrote:
"That was my point, It won't drag and drop into it. They don't all do that. And the latest version of GarageBand won't."

How to REALLY GET RID of stuff like that:

1. Boot from an EXTERNAL drive (it could even be from a bootable clone)
2. Click the icon for the internal drive and use "get info" to "ignore ownership on this volume" (by "this volume" I mean the internal drive).
3. Now you can trash just about ANYTHING on the internal drive, including Apple apps that you don't want around
4. Boot back to your internal drive, and they should be gone.

(I've used this technique to completely get rid of Time Machine on my boot drives)
Peter Franks wrote:
"That was my point, It won't drag and drop into it. They don't all do that. And the latest version of GarageBand won't."

How to REALLY GET RID of stuff like that:

1. Boot from an EXTERNAL drive (it could even be from a bootable clone)
2. Click the icon for the internal drive and use "get info" to "ignore ownership on this volume" (by "this volume" I mean the internal drive).
3. Now you can trash just about ANYTHING on the internal drive, including Apple apps that you don't want around
4. Boot back to your internal drive, and they should be gone.

(I've used this technique to completely get rid of Time Machine on my boot drives)

Ooh interesting, thank you!
I updated to the new Garage Band but it didn't sit so well as the old one, which it doesn't overwrite by the way, it leaves both on there. Interestingly, when I tried as an example to delete the old one in there, it works as other apps do, and lists all the components. But that luxury is not afforded in their new version of GB. And won't drag or drop or let you tick in the list Thanks for the tip!
Update on AppCleaner.... When you click Applications on the top left, you will see that many have a lock icon on them, and this is the reason why: Default applications will show a lock icon demonstrating they can’t be removed with AppCleaner

I was under the impression that 'default' apps are pre-installed with OS, but Adobe Photoshop and even CyberDuck that doesn't even open on High Sierra because it's an old one has a padlock on it and can't be dragged either, which is ridiculous
"I was under the impression that 'default' apps are pre-installed with OS, but Adobe Photoshop and even CyberDuck that doesn't even open on High Sierra because it's an old one has a padlock on it and can't be dragged either, which is ridiculous"

Have you tried disabling System Integrity Protection?

If that doesn't work, follow the instructions I posted in reply 16 above.
Do it that way, and you can delete ANYTHING you wish.
(but be careful what you wish for!)
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"I was under the impression that 'default' apps are pre-installed with OS, but Adobe Photoshop and even CyberDuck that doesn't even open on High Sierra because it's an old one has a padlock on it and can't be dragged either, which is ridiculous"

Have you tried disabling System Integrity Protection?

If that doesn't work, follow the instructions I posted in reply 16 above.
Do it that way, and you can delete ANYTHING you wish.
(but be careful what you wish for!)

So you really are a Genie. Impressive! thanks again
I do not recommend AppZapper, AppCleaner, AppDelete or any other uninstaller app. No cleaner or app removal software does a thorough job of finding and removing files/folders related to deleted apps. Most will remove smaller files, such as plists, but leave behind caches, which are much larger. For more information, read this and this. If you just want to delete the app, drag the .app file to the trash. No other software needed. If you want to completely remove all associated files/folders, no removal apps will do a thorough job.
The most effective method for complete app removal is manual deletion:
Thanks, Speaking of deleting stuff, is the fact there are 2 x Google Chrome listings in 'Notifications' listings, relevant to the amount of Google Helpers in the Activity Monitor list and the inordinate amount of fan behaviour every time I use it, or is that just Chrome anyway? Why are there two in the Notifications list in System Pref
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