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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 3, 2017
Model: A1634 Iphone6s+

System: iOS 10.3.3 updates to iOS11.0.1

Problem: phone turn black screen (no logo&battery&iTunes)
It function well on iOS11.0.1 after upgrade. I even took screenshot and posted to share.
and it suddenly black screen on the table.... (Not sure that moment my phone turn off or screen off.)

lock+home / DFU / Recovery not working on my case.

Still can: Charging, iTunes, Vibrating, incoming phone ( Vibrating)

Genius Bar: motherboard or logic board broken
Customer Support: Downgraded ( not working)
Online Posts: Screen ( I don't have screen changed or even small scratch on it)

So anyone can help what's the problem exactly? I totally confused right now.


macrumors regular
Oct 4, 2017
Montreal, Canada
So if I understand correctly, you updated your phone to iOS11, the phone worked and then, out of the blue, it just went black screen on you? Did the Genius give you the diagnostic after he/she checked the phone in person or based on a support call?

So here's the thing...Apple loves to lump all non-screen issues into "logic board failure" and then charge you OOW replacement costs. In your case, if the phone is all original and was never opened, then it probably is a logic board issue. However these failures can usually be repaired by experienced micro-solderers for much less than the OOW cost and you get to keep your data (if you didn't have a backup).

What happened to the phone in the days/weeks leading up to the failure? Do you remember any drops or impacts or contact/proximity to water?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 3, 2017
So if I understand correctly, you updated your phone to iOS11, the phone worked and then, out of the blue, it just went black screen on you? Did the Genius give you the diagnostic after he/she checked the phone in person or based on a support call?

So here's the thing...Apple loves to lump all non-screen issues into "logic board failure" and then charge you OOW replacement costs. In your case, if the phone is all original and was never opened, then it probably is a logic board issue. However these failures can usually be repaired by experienced micro-solderers for much less than the OOW cost and you get to keep your data (if you didn't have a backup).

What happened to the phone in the days/weeks leading up to the failure? Do you remember any drops or impacts or contact/proximity to water?
Thank you for reply, omg, thank you for your patient like read all these.
So my phone function just fine and no blue screen not even flash or freeze, it just turn black, and Genius didn't do the diagnose because one female engineer she do take my phone back and it just short time, if she did she will say something, right?
And I do have all my data in ICloud,thank you for concerned.
My phone had thick 3d screen protector and hard case covered (bunch cheap but good quality stuffs, I moved back to china, so.. =)

And I can't not say phone never dropped but nothing big or bad I can remember, Im pretty sure it won't be the cause.

just for my curiosity, I still following all news about IOS11, seems other people just freeze screen or lagging, but I think so far there are 3 people have same issues like me.And one woman she has been charge $448 for yes, as you said , hardware, its been posted on facebook.

Sign, so logic board and probably screen connect? I will check third party later, not in rush now, just want see how Apple will react with all the complaints on social media.
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