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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 5, 2006
South West England
I currently use plex for all my movies and tv shows. I would like to import them into iTunes with all the lovely metadata plex has compiled intact. Is there a way to do this?
If not is there some good standalone sofware that can download all the metadata again (from sources such as tvdb etc) before importing into iTunes?

I currently use plex for all my movies and tv shows. I would like to import them into iTunes with all the lovely metadata plex has compiled intact. Is there a way to do this?
If not is there some good standalone sofware that can download all the metadata again (from sources such as tvdb etc) before importing into iTunes?


Try a program called iVI Pro. It will convert any files that are needed fo the proper format. Also it tags all movies and tv shows with the proper Meta data.
I use iDentify 2 for tagging all of my videos. For the most part, I can't say I've run into any problems related to the program. TV shows sometimes give me trouble, but it's not a difficult thing to fix; just highlight all the shows, and batch edit the show title so it matches perfectly with the tvdb entry.
Can you elaborate a bit on this? Is this something you are doing in the finder?

Well, there are two ways you can do this.

I prefer to simply use iDentify 2's interface. Once you add the episodes to the queue (or whatever it's called) iDentify will either recognize the show title in the file name, or it will mess up and not include spaces where needed (this is largely the case with shows that contain multiple words, I've found). In iDentify, to fix this, you would highlight all of the episodes in question, select "Edit Tags" and edit the Series/Show name field. I find the best way to get accurate results is to go to, find the show, and copy the show title from the site into that field. Then you select "Rescan Titles," and iDentify should find the correct metadata for each individual episode as is available on

Unfortunately, there's no way to batch edit file names in finder without some sort of script. I use a free program called NameChanger (all one word) to name the files in an accepted format (I use showname.SxxExx) and then feed the files into iDentify. Like I said, sometimes it hits and misses, but all I really care about at that point is having the correct season and episode numbers since I can tell iDentify what show the episodes belong to after adding them.
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