My thoughts, exactly!
I used to use a Linux based MythTV box as my media center, attached to a DLP projector in my basement. Since I already have a Mac Pro system set up down there (which I usually use for my music and MIDI gear), I figured it would be wise to consolidate things and let the Mac perform double-duty as my media center.
Plex was the obvious media center choice, since Front Row was way too limited. But I find Plex to be frustrating to navigate around in, and like others said, very non-intuitive.
I stumbled around until I was able (after reading someone's forum message) to get my folder of movies properly added as my "source" for Plex to index and use in its "Movies" menu. But now I have issues, like a couple foreign films that it improperly identified as other U.S. based movies. As another example of a problem, I had all 6 of the Star Wars movies in my collection, but Plex only identified 3 properly. It tagged two of them as though they were both the first Star Wars (A New Hope) movie. I renamed them a couple of times, until I had the filename named in a manner that caused it to get the correct movie info for them ... but now they have duplicate entries in Plex! It's not real obvious to me how to correct this. If I muddle through menus until I find an option to delete one, will it delete the erroneous duplicate data and cover art photo, or will it delete my movie file too?
I read someplace you can force Plex to index a problem movie properly by adding some kind of specially formatted text file to the folder, with the info it needs in there? But once again, this is NOT an intuitive way to update movie data - and I can't find any details on just what format this file should be in?
Also, every time I start up Plex, I have that "scrolling news ticker" across the bottom of the screen, giving me info about Plex and its version status. It seems like that would be configurable to scroll an RSS newsfeed from your choice of many valid sources? But again, I find no menu option to select different feeds for it?
MythTV was no picnic to set up and get working, but honestly, its hurdles were mostly in the initial configuration. (You had to do your reading to find out why some TV tuner card failed to initialize or why some transcoding settings were bad defaults for your particular hardware, or ??) But once you had it right, daily usage was really straightforward. Any movie data it imported could easily be edited with your computer keyboard, or missing things filled in just by typing them in. Plex seems really lacking in these usability areas, to me.
Ok I was torn between plex and boxee, but boxee loosing Hulu pretty much ended that. I downloaded plex and I see a ton of potential however I have no idea where to start to make it wife and user friendly.
Is there a resource, something along the line of a plex users guide. I looked at the forums and I really dont want to spend hours serching though posts so I can get this up and running.
Just looking for some pointers. Thanks