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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 20, 2005
Rochester, NY
Today I plugged my first gen iPhone into a gpx alarm clock with an iPod dock built into it.

Instantly the phone screen turned off, I tried to get the unit to respond in any way possible but it just had a blank screen and proceeded to get very hot.

I quickly through it in the fridge, figuring it'd help keep it cooler or at the very least make the battery not have enough current to keep the phone on for as long as if it were at room temp.

30 minutes later I pulled the phone out, it was cool to the touch, obviously.

I went to boot it up and it showed the low battery icon, I was happy cause at least the phone still seemed to work.

I let it get back to room temperature and it booted up fine, everything appeared to be working as it should.

I went to charge it with my old iPod firewire charger that I use it to charge all the time, as soon as i plugged it in the screen slowly faded to white.

The phone could still be powered off and would still boot properly and work properly as long as the firewire charger wasn't inserted.

I then attempted to hook it up to my MacBook via usb, which appeared to work fine, the phone synced with my computer and appeared to be charging so I left it for a bit to let it charge up.

I checked on it about 30 minutes later and the battery hadn't charged at all even though it showed the charging icon on the screen and the phone was very hot to the touch.

So from the looks of things it appears that my phone is unchargable and as soon as the battery dies all the way it's gone for good.

Any recommendations on how to fix the phone or is it a goner?

Also, for reference I attached a picture of the alarm clock that ruined the phone so at the very least, hopefully no one else will ruin their phone this way.


  • IMG00031.JPG
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you prolly messed up the prongs or whatever where you charge your iphone. if so that really sucks ..take it to apple tell um it wont charge and you dont know what is wrong.. they should relpace it no problem.. and before people start saying OMG your lying like TOTALLY wrong BRO do the right THANG ... all i have to say it Shut up.. he paid money for it. yea he may have messed it up but apple prolly wont know(no matter what people tell you on here) .. and yeah end of story
I actually bought the phone in 2007 and it doesn't have apple care on it any longer.

Also it's unlocked and on T-Mobile, I don't have an AT&T account so I'd be screwed either way.
One bump?

Anyone know if there is a separate part that controls charging or am I going to have to get a new logic board for the phone?
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