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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 15, 2004
Anchorage, Alaska
when i download a program and then try to install it expands it and then mounts it but i can't find anything to click on, no icon, no nothing except a little HD on a piece of paper icon and when i click on it, says "failed to mount due to error 35. The image is already in use" ??????????????????

P.S. this is happening on OS 10.1.5 i know, i know its old just dont make fun unless you have the spare $100+ for the upgrade
I am not sure how much help I can be, but I do have one thought on the matter. There may be a newer version of stuffit expander that you need to download. I had trouble similar to this one time and downloading the newest version of this program solved my problem. Hope this helps.
my guess is that the disk images is mounted and not on your desktop.
try going to: Finder menu --> preferences
make sure you have show hard disks on.
then you will see your hard drive icon and one that looks like an external drive with the same name as the .dmg file.

hope this is the problem!
your disk image is mounted somewhere other than your desktop. Check to see which folder you have selected to d/l items too. Your disk images will most likely reside there. I'd recommend changing your d/l to a folder on your desktop titled Downloads, or a folder in your Documents of the same name. Makes it much easier when you know where you are looking.

you can upgrade to 10.2 for $20 now, 10.3 will be $20 in 6 - 8 months.
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