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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 16, 2018
There’s a lot of podcast apps out there. I’ve used Downplay for years and there’s a lot to like.

Using CarPlay, though, all I have to fast forward or rewind are big left/right arrows that you have to hold down and are just user unfriendly.

So I recently tried the iOS Podcast app for about 5 weeks. Pro: it has 15 and 30 seconds skip buttons right on the CarPlay screen! Cons: almost everything else. I don’t want to argue about the other merits of this app. It’s just bad to me.

So, are there any podcast apps the have good skip buttons for CarPlay (specifically)? All podcast apps have these buttons on the iPhone itself but I’m talking about CarPlay.
Downcast does, as well.

IMG_2698.png IMG_2701.jpg
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In my OP, I mistyped “Downplay”. I meant I’m currently using Downcast. I don’t have these buttons and I’ve checked settings for an option. Any idea why I don’t have these buttons available?

I’m using a new iPhone SE with the latest version of iOS.

Edit: May have figured it out. I just noticed a remote media skip setting that was turned off. Just turned it on.


Will update if this works.
This did work! Don’t understand why that switch isn’t just turned on by default.

I’m shocked at how much I disliked the UI on the stock podcast app. The organization was dreadful compared to Downcast. I really tried to like it. Apple has had plenty of time to make it better.
I know you've answered your question but i think Overcast does what you need as well.
Thanks for the other Podcast app suggestions. Good to know.
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