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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 30, 2006
It's time for a new camera. I want to spend under 300 for one. (if you have something used, tell me).

I can't decide between:

Disadvantages: no double A batteries. short battery life (160 photos with LCD off)


It seems the image quality isn't that great...

Can someone tell me a camera that takes double A's or at least lasts longer than 200 shots with the LCD on (battery packs are expensive!), great image quality for point and shoot camera, light and small, and under 300. If I have to spend a little more to get it, or if you think I should go with another that doesn't use battery packs, I'm listening. Please just help me out.



macrumors 68020
Sep 7, 2006
Baltimore, MD
i don't mean to make this any harder than it already is...but here's another one to look into.

i have a Fuji FinePix F10, which is an awesome little camera. Check it out here:

It's excellent on batteries, takes beautiful and vibrant photos, and didn't break the bank. It's very easy to use and is small enough to take everywhere.

The only negative thing I can say about it is that it there's a little bit of lag when switching modes and such. It's never been enough that i've missed a shot or anything.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 30, 2006
Looked like a great camera, but they xD (whatever that is) picture cards are almost as expensive as memorysticks.

Aren't the top cameras: sony, nikon, canon?

I didn't even know fuji was still around.


macrumors 68020
Sep 7, 2006
Baltimore, MD
a 1GB xD card is $30 at circuit city after the rebate...i don't think that's too expensive. FWIW, i can hold a ton of photos at the highest quality on my puny little 512 MB xD card. how many photos do you need to keep on the camera at once? just curious...

also, fuji *is* still around, and they make some darn good cameras. you can at least check them out instead of instantly dismissing them.

in my earlier thread, i said it's good on batteries....i meant to say on the battery pack. i charge it once for roughly every 300 shots.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 30, 2006
I do appreciate your help and I did check it out. :/

That's why I mentioned the xD card - look on the amazon site - " FujiFilm 256 MB xD Picture Card, Type M ( 600004661 ) $21.84 " I'll look and see what other prices are because I think sd cards run that amount for 1 or 2 gigs.

I am going on a trip to Manhattan next month and I would like to hold about 200-300 pictures in my camera because I will be checking out all the museums and I certainly won't be bringing my laptop along.

I didn't know fuji was around but that doesn't mean anything since (as you can tell), I know nothing about digital photography.

Is 300 shots with your LCD on or off?


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 30, 2006
I just found xD cards reasonably priced. How is their speed compared to SD?


macrumors regular
Feb 3, 2007
another camera by fuji you might want to consider is the f30. it's been compared to dslr's for it's low light capabiity. you can read reviews here:

and here:

and since you will be visiting a lot of museums, you probaly won't be able to use the flash indoors so this might be something to consider. I have an old Finepix that uses xd and I can say that they've come down a lot in price sice they were first introduced. by the way, the websites I gave links to are very good camera review sites. the dc resource one i like because the sample images are more "real world" images and the imaging resource site is very technical with very controlled studio lit photos. also the imaging resource has a "comparometer" in which you can choose separate cameras and compare the exact same image (full size) side by side which is a big plus. anyway good luck!


macrumors 68020
Sep 7, 2006
Baltimore, MD
300 shots is with the LCD on. as i said, it's a great little camera. :)

i find the write speed to be pretty quick...i've never used SD, only Compact Flash in my SLR, so I can't compare it to anything else. i never yell at the camera for being too slow, so i guess it's fast enough!

skrutzen is most likely won't be able to use flash in the museums. fuji's are great with low light non-flash, but you have to have a steady hand, just like you would with any camera when the shutter speed is slower. i've always been impressed with the low-light shots i get from my F10.

hope this is helping! :D


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 30, 2006
It is!

I am going with the f30 since it is a current model (unless you want to sell your f10 :p)
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