I recently purchased a Series 2 stainless steel Apple Watch. I read lots online about remove scratches and gave Cape Cod a try.
Using Cape Cod, it removed fine scratches and marks but nothing else. Autosol works on deeper scratches better, and it feels thicker, so it must be more coarse.
So, my steps were to use Autosol initially with a Q Tip, to control where I polished. Then I used Cape Cod to go over the same areas, then buffed with a micro fibre cloth. Once buffed, I washed the watch to remove any residue near the screen (which doesn't scratch with autosol or cape cod) and the results are great! Fine marks and scratches have gone, but because there are no fine scratches, the larger ones stand out more. But it definitely looks better to my eyes. I will take some photos and post them later.
Using Cape Cod, it removed fine scratches and marks but nothing else. Autosol works on deeper scratches better, and it feels thicker, so it must be more coarse.
So, my steps were to use Autosol initially with a Q Tip, to control where I polished. Then I used Cape Cod to go over the same areas, then buffed with a micro fibre cloth. Once buffed, I washed the watch to remove any residue near the screen (which doesn't scratch with autosol or cape cod) and the results are great! Fine marks and scratches have gone, but because there are no fine scratches, the larger ones stand out more. But it definitely looks better to my eyes. I will take some photos and post them later.