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Would you like a higher fidelity audio (FLAC/HiFi) streaming option for Apple Music

  • Yes, I'd love to stream in higher quality

    Votes: 14 87.5%
  • No, the current quality is fine for me

    Votes: 2 12.5%

  • Total voters


Original poster
Sep 13, 2014
Hey all,

Pretty self-explanatory -- just wanted to make this quick thread to gauge whether or not people would be interested in having a HiFi/FLAC/Lossless level of quality available for streaming on Apple Music (a la Tidal HiFi or the like). So I've attached a poll for y'all to vote on; it would be great to have some comments explaining your poll choice (i.e, 'yes, there should be a HiFi option but you have to pay more' or whatever).



macrumors G4
Jun 30, 2007
If it were ever implemented Apple would use ALAC and not FLAC. For me I only would be interested in possibly paying more if it were Hi-Res (96/24) and a some 5.1 content. As of now most of my :apple:Music listening is working out/running (iPhone/UE11 Pros) and background at home. The only need for Hi-Res lossless would be in my HT room listening.

Also I would only be interested if Apple were to insist on a specific Hi-Res master conforming to a set of guidelines similar to the "Mastered for iTunes" program (mainly a higher dynamic range). The overly compressed nature (Loudness Wars) of most music released in the last decade would see little to no benefit from being released in Hi-Res (GIGO).
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