Legal or illegal what way do you prefer in terms of speed quality etc. Im finding I use netflix majority usenet for movies not yet released and iTunes for classics that netflix dosent have. My favorite is usenet.
Im surprised i thought torrents and p2p wouls be used the most. Personally i cant stand having a dvd or bluray because i cant organize anything not on my computer well.
Honestly, I use a combination of everything on the list (except for Usenet, never used it). Each method has its advantages, so I utilize each for different situations. It may sound silly, but it is less work to torrent a movie I already own so I don't have to go through the work of ripping it and encoding it for efficient space/quality ratio. The only thing I feel I am a bad boy about is downloading TV shows. Most of them also get recorded to my DVR, but I would like to have access to them later without using up my DVR's HDD. And I am not paying $3 for an HD episode of House or Lost on iTunes. I've also got the cheap Blu-ray version of Netflix for movies I don't want to buy and access to their online streaming. And Hulu and ABC player for iPad are supplemental to the rest.