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Has your Alum Imac been trouble-free (hardware-wise)?

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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 8, 2009
Montreal, Quebec
Thought it may be interesting to see the ratio of happy Imac users who've not had problems with their machines to still-happy-but-frustrated Imac users whose machines have needed major repairs.
My iMac arrived with vertical lines upon turning it on, did it count?

Apple swapped my iMac at the Apple Store.
So, right now, we have 10 who've had flawless Imacs and 5 who've had to have a major component replaced. That doesn't sound good.

You have 5 people who are likely upset and are FAR more prone to being vocal about how they feel than the 10 who are happy.

It's like working in customer service - virtually nobody calls you to tell you someone did a good job, they pretty much only call to complain. Take these poll results with a HUGE grain of salt.

Mines been perfect. Purchased new (in case that matters to the poll).
I would buy another in a heartbeat.
Okay. At work, we purchased 5 iMacs (20-inch, early 2008). I set them all up and none of them showed any hardware issue.
We're now at 15 people who've had no troubles and 8 who've had major hardware failure. That seems like a large number of failing units, doesn't it?
As someone said above, people who are unhappy, or have had issues are far more likely to be here than those who haven't.

More importantly, the poll is not very meaningful without some idea of the timescales involved. If DOA iMacs aren't the issue, then what sort of timescale is involved? It would certainly be useful to know if all those who were reporting problems were after a certain amount of time had passed.

My iMac (from two revisions ago: a 20" 2.4Ghz machine) has been going fine for over a year.
Well, that poll indicates that one fourth of posters' Imacs died within the 1st year. This is a good average for a 2K machine??

Well, that's the case with most electronics, they usually fail within the 1st year or remain trouble free. Do you want to know how many service calls we've had to have on the half a million dollar (used) confocal microscope in my lab?
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