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You should actually include a poll next time..

Anyway, I turn it off.. Why? It saves energy and the environment. It only takes 25 seconds to boot up. If you can't wait that long you're just lazy.
With the feature wake on wireless lan you can always wake it up remotely if you need it so why not save energy and put it to sleep. I don't power off my computers so some energy is used in sleep mode.
Aloha everyone,

I have a question - if you put the computer to sleep, the maintenance scripts (daily, weekly, monthly) do not run, correct? I only sleep my display for that reason.
They run when you reawaken.

In Tiger, Apple changed the way these Maintenance Scripts are run. They are now controlled by Lanuchd [sic]. Since 10.4.2, if the computer is in sleep mode or off, Lanuchd [sic] will run these scripts at its earliest connivence. No additional work or software required
I've only had it for a night, but I didn't turn it off, I already have XTorrent up and running and I wanted to see how well it does all of the things my old iMac does. How much better, I should say.
I would guess the answer applies to any iMac--or any computer for that matter--but I put my computer to sleep at night and don't turn it off unless I am going to be away from home overnight.
For the past few years I have had a laptop and as such turned it off overnight. But for the past few days the iMac has been on constantly - apart from a couple of re-starts when changing some account settings and installing updates etc...

I read somewhere that the new iMacs only use about 0.8 Watts of power when sleeping, but this seems a small amount. Can anyone out there confirm this (cant for the life of me find where I read it....).

If that's the case it's probably not going to kill the world to leave it sleeping at night - if your that worried change all your lightbulbs to energy efficient ones - that will more than outweigh the energy used by a sleeping mac...
Turning it off is bad, both to the computer and the OS.

With the computer off or in sleep, OSX won't do its maintenance schedule between 3am and 5:30am every day.
No, it doesn't. I've gone through that issue before and its one of the reasons I leave my G5 running 24/7.
There are three computers in my house, and put all three to sleep at night. Have been doing this since the sleep mode was put into play. Albeit, do agree that 25 second boot up isn't bad. With the SSD it only take approximately 10 seconds. (SSD's are great):)
I never turn off my computers, not even my Macbook. Altho I just received my iMac 9am this Friday (Swedish time, GMT+1 if I'm correct) I have no plan to turn it off either. What I do tho is turn off the display, but that's all.

Old habit. Since I started using different kind of servers (all with Linux operating systems) since I was about 14-15. I'm 21 now fyi. I just have one server online now tho, believe it's in my signature, but it fulfills most of my needs atm. Can't sleep without some noise :p "To bad" :)rolleyes:) my computers, my macbook, the new iMac, and the server doesn't make much of a noise. In fact they doesn't sound at all! Guess I'll get used to it :p

Almost a shame that I'm selling my old PC (Intel core2duo 2.4 GHz @ 2.9 GHz, 4GB Ram, a raptor 36GB disk, a 500GB disk, and an Ati 4850HD). Only the graphic-card sounded like an airplane. Perhaps I should keep it so I can go to sleep :p
No, it doesn't. I've gone through that issue before and its one of the reasons I leave my G5 running 24/7.

As stated previously, the way overnight maintenance scripts were handled changed in 10.4 Tiger

Under Panther and Jaguar, the schedule is specified in the System crontab file...

Introduced in Tiger, the launchd process invokes each script on a schedule specified in a script-specific property list (.plist file) in the /System/Library/LaunchDaemons directory... The timer used by launchd does not count sleep time. If your Mac is asleep at the scheduled time when a given script is supposed to run, the script may run later that day at a time shifted by the amount of time the Mac was asleep. However, if you restart your Mac before the time-shifted execution time, pending events are lost and the script will not run off-schedule: the next chance for the script to run will be at its regularly scheduled time.

The X-Lab, Running the Mac OS X Maintenance Scripts,

The time shifting property of running the maintenance script off schedule if the Mac was asleep was widely regarded to be unreliable, even though Apple specifically addressed the issue with a fix in one of the updates to Tiger.

Leopard supposedly fixed the issue once and for all:

if you put your Mac to sleep at night, instead of shutting it down, Leopard is smart enough to run the missed scripts the next time you wake up your computer.

Macworld, Five Mac Maintenance Myths,

Anacron runs the periodic daily, weekly and monthly tasks on your Mac even if the machine (a laptop, for example) spends much of its time asleep or switched-off. Anacron silently checks when you reboot and every sixty minutes while the computer is running to see if the various periodic scripts are overdue, and runs them if necessary... Note: This version of Anacron will run on MacOS 10.5 (Leopard) but it is not needed, as the Leopard launchd will run skipped jobs when the machine is next awake.
Anacron for MacOS,

You no longer need a utility to run missed maintenance as of OS X 10.5. It will run automatically at the next available opportunity. Actually, this was the case as of OS X 10.4, but a bug kept the maintenance routines from running more than once per restart under OS X 10.4. This was fixed in OS X 10.5

Randy B. Singer, Mac OS X Routine Maintenance,
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