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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Dec 19, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
Hey hey! 4.2 is cool but lets look up to 4.5 or 5...

What new features would you all like to see to come up in iTunes?

I personally would think it great to have a garageband song submission to a new section on the iTMS for 'GarageBand' or on Apples site, so people can check it out directly from Apple. Sounds dumb, but I tried...
Downloading of lyrics and art when you purchace, or rip an album to iTunes. If they want to perfect the formula of "buying a record" online, they can't leave anything out to the advantage of CDs.
Really cool

That's really cool actually, I wonder.. IF it ever happens, they will probably charge a premium $ ? hehe
Keep the play count. Add in total time play for each song. And how about something like this for an iTunes visual equalizer? Something like a late 1980's soundograph, but with color.
Since apple keeps up with all your past purchases, I would like the ability to download any song that i have bought in the past, over and over again for free. Why? u ask, because I only make backups once a month, and I purchase anywhere between 30 and 50 songs a month, my hard drive crashed, so i was out of about 30 songs.
The ability to list multiple albums for a song, and have the song appear under all of the albums on the Browse menu, and the ability to arrange one's playlists in a way other than the default alphabetic.

Lyrics, displyable karaoke-style, along to the pace of the music.

And if copyright's an issue, allow the users to write their own 'interpretation' and set the pace at which each line will be displayed.
If it were possible, lyrics imbedded into an .m4p file would result in a time problem: If the lyrics were incorrect, then the entire file would have to be extracted and the lyrics changed for one line...then the file would have to be re-compressed again. So if Apple did this for all half a million songs, not only would the process be time consuming, but would also be unecessarily costly. Unless there is a magic button that allows the extraction, shows a pop-up dialog with editable lyrics, and recompresses everything, all under 10 seconds, then I don't see it happening.

In terms of putting these lyrics in the iTMS as a separate window, that wouldn't be too bad of an idea, that is, if you wanted to know the song lyrics. offers a pretty big lyrics section anyways.

1macker1, if I'm not mistaken, if you legally bought the song through the iTMS, you can legally download one (1) backup copy of the song for only backup purposes right off P2P and the like. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong on this one.
Ooh, I have a long list of things I'd like to see in iTunes (and related products such as iPod and iTMS). I've submitted most of these via feedback, but I always get the feeling that they're just ignored because most people aren't as nitpicky as I am about this stuff. :rolleyes:

  • Gapless playback. <rant>This is far and away the biggest one for me. Because compressed sound formats introduce an inherent gap to the end of a song, an entire album must be ripped as one continuous audio stream, but preserving track information. iTunes' Join Tracks feature doesn't cut it because it doesn't preserve individual track information. Cross fading also isn't an acceptable solution.

    A few MP3 players have supported cuesheets - basically you have one big sound file for the album, and then cuesheet lists the time (or byte) offsets where different tracks start. So the player can play the whole thing without breaks, but it also has enough information to allow you to skip around among tracks if you wish.

    This is a big reason why I'm extremely selective with my iTMS purchases. If an album has any two tracks that run together (think any live album, for example), I won't buy it from iTMS. If you're really listening to an album like this, even that little gap can jolt you out of the experience. And once the gap is in the file, it's difficult if not impossible to get rid of it. If I buy the CD instead, at least then I can re-rip it when iTunes hopefully supports gapless ripping. So not only does iTunes need to support this, but also iTMS for buying entire albums, and of course the iPod.

    I know that the vast majority of people just listen to singles, so this isn't a problem for them. I imagine that others just listen on a casual level so they don't notice the gaps or don't care. So unfortunately I'm not holding my breath. :( </rant>
  • iTMS needs a "save for later" option in the shopping cart. Like Amazon has.
  • Artwork is a good one for iTMS. Just include it as a pdf download for whole album purchases.
  • Smart playlists are almost perfect but need just one more criterion: the ability to select songs that occur in other playlists. Using this, you can easily string together multiple smart playlists to form arbitrarily complex logical conditions (for example: all songs by Joe Satriani OR Steve Vai AND not played in the last month; you can't do this currently). The real beauty of this idea is that it doesn't complicate the user interface at all (doesn't confuse novices) but it allows advanced users to get as complex as they possibly desire.
  • When I stream a song to another computer in my house, it doesn't update the Last Played or Play Count data for that song. I want it to update this, because I have smart playlists based on these numbers, and anything streamed on my network is going to be me listening to it anyway. It should be an option under sharing (since some people wouldn't want it turned on).
  • Make the visualizer a screen saver! :D
  • Related iPod feature: allow me to 'Browse' playlists just like I can browse the entire library. iTunes lets me do it, why not the iPod?

I feel like there's more, but that's all I can think of for now. I realize I'm just some crazy music fanatic who doesn't represent the desires of most of their users, so I don't expect to see much, if any of this ever implemented. But Steve did say in the last keynote that they are all music lovers. If that were really true, how could they possibly tolerate the gap problem? :confused:

Oh well. I can always dream. :p
i have an idea about song submission

ok so if everyone with garageband started sending songs to apple it would be chaos...


what if you had your OWN site/place/whatever you want to call it, ON itunes devoted to the songs you could be a part of .mac or something, it would be free... anyway you could have people download your tracks for free or have the gets their 33 cents and sends the rest to you. also it would interfere with normal buying as you would have to specifically "log in" or something to this "site"

how bout it?

just put a thread up about this here:
itunes should include p2p strictly for people to share their tunes made by garageband, also a direct link to ichat chatrooms should be included too, to discuss music topics
ichat chatrooms would be very interesting if they would work it right....
iTunes wishes

I'm probably being redundant but here are my wants.
1. being able to organize play lists either by Author, Album, Size, Run time etc.
2. Just MORE music in the iStore.
3. Accurate genre ID, (Like Buddy Guy in Blues not POP! and Bela Fleck everywhere because nody can figure out where he belongs!)
4. Accurate cross refernces in the browse list when trying to find a certain artist or title.:D
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