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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 29, 2009
I've been looking to purchase a Mac for quite some time now that my son who bought a Macbook last year convinced me to try a Mac. I had convinced myself that I would get the 3.06 iMac with the ATI 4850 card. Now that the shipping time is 2 to 4 business days, I was about to place an order when I saw all the problems with this machine freezing and having to be sent back. Is this a case that only those with problems post messages? I would request that anyone that has an iMac with the ATI card post a simple reply that says.
Processor speed, Freeze or no freeze, and wifi or wired
for example
3.06, no freeze, wired
There are many that are aware of these issues and drop over $2k anyway, so don't feel as if you'd be alone.
2.93, 4GB, WiFi, 2 freezes to date just browsing the web and listening to mp3s with iTunes.
Add one more

3.06Ghz,1TB, 4GBRAM, 4850. Frezes with Wifi on, replaced internet connection with an Airport Express in WDS remote mode and a TC in WDS main. Shutting down WiFi solved the issue.
I do think it is an integration issue of thermal budget (please have a look at one of my posts). Thus difficult to solve.

:apple:iPhone 2G,:apple:MBA early 2008,:apple:iMac 24 early 2009,:apple:TC 500GB,:apple:Airport Express
iMac 2.93 with the 4850

Freezes on WiFi ONLY when playing World of Warcraft. On Wired, no problem (that I have seen, only been two days). Have not been able to get it to freeze in iTunes (even with Visualizer) or anywhere else when WiFi is on, unlike a lot of people.
3.06 with 4850. Initially froze badly when I got the computer. Tech support had me reinstall the OS from the disks provided (and then get the remaining online updates). No crash of any kind since then. Now it works like a charm.
3.06, 1TB, 4GB, 4850. Wifi only no freeze since box opened, 2 days now. COD4, Visualizer, 4x HD streaming as test. Keeping my fingers crossed!:)
3.06, 1TB, 4GB, 4850
On wifi, froze on day 2 with full-screen iTunes visualizer, and twice just using Safari.
Switched to ethernet, no problems for the last 6 days.
There was already a poll done on this. Check the threads. It hovered around 50% freezers. Of course this is 50% of the people on this forum which surely is an inflated result. Whatever the true percentage is, no one can argue that it is not significant.
I'm feeling better about this machine now, especially since I will use a wired connection.
Thanks to everyone for their replies,
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