Well, what I think is tiring, is purchasing a $2,000 machine and having water inside of it. I brought my new imac home and it set in the house, in the box, for six hours before I removed it... so I am pretty sure it had time to acclimate itself to the room temperature. (btw, the room is normally at 72 degrees and the air vent is about eight feet away from where the machine is set up) Within the first hour condensation built up in the lower right hand corner and grew larger as the machine warmed up (to about the size of 4in by 2in). The screen should be an airtight component and there should NOT be any liquid inside. I lugged it back to apple store only to have the sales manager argue with me that this is a normal occurrence. About the time when I was going to tell them to forget it and return the computer-- they decided to get me a replacement. The second computer I brought home exhibited the same issue, but much minor. The condensation has seemed to disappear. I did speak with Apple Care who said that it was totally legit for me to have brought the machine back to the store since the spot did not go away on the first machine. Evidently, there are "certain cases that are worse than others that do qualify for a return". The man I spoke with said that if it does not go away in six hours, or if it reappears at any time, then you have reason to be concerned. This is a design flaw that Apple NEEDS to step up and recognize. So be glad if you got an imac without this issue, because it is a problem, and as for the last post, I miss the days when quality and customer care were of concern.