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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 3, 2010
i have been working on this project for the last 4 months on my spare time.
and here is the first trailer for poodle invasion! hope you guys like it!
its waiting for review! so i guess in the next couple of days you guys will be able to play it!!!


the official site with the trailer:

and follow on twitter
i have some promo codes to give away!
if you would like to give #poodleinvasion a go post below and PM me.

**currently #poodleinvasion is only compatible with iPod 3G and iPhone 3GS
so please, only request a code if you have one of these devices!

hope you guys have fun!
alright everyone!

poodle invasion was just updated to version 1.1!

a new endless mode!
2 new items for you to rent and the super duper beam cannon!!
also, performance tweaks!

if you guys want promo codes just send me a PM!!

have fun!
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