Fantastical, the excellent calendar app for the Mac, has finally been ported to the iPhone. The app has been totally redesigned for the smaller screen, rolling out a new feature called the 'DayTicker'

I'm not what you'd call a productivity guru. I don't use any interesting methods or cool combinations of software to do what I do. My philosophy is more along the lines of 'start doing and stop when you're dead'.
That's one of the reasons that I love Fantastical for the Mac so much. It's a small icon that sits in my menu bar and allows me to quickly dash off appointments and reminders in plain english. It's blazing fast and it helps me avoid all of the nit picky fields and tick boxes that infest calendar apps, including Apple's poor built-in option. No fussing, no scripts, no precariously balanced suite of productivity apps that eat up half my day just maintaining.
Today, Fantastical comes to the iPhone bearing that same spirit of no-nonsense calendar management, but with an additional intuitive layer of greatness.
The app features the same natural language parsing engine as it does on the Mac, with the addition of a feature called the DayTicker. The DayTicker is at the heart of the reason Fantastical for iPhone has replaced Calendar for me. It's a ribbon-shaped display of your current day and the surrounding days that makes it incredibly fast to see what you've got coming up at a glance.
Fantastical for iPhone is available through the App Store for $1.99. [Direct Link]
Flexibits is also the company that we've hired to develop the MacRumors iOS app, currently in the works.
Article Link: Popular Calendar App Fantastical Makes the Jump to iPhone