Until then, I would hope the OP deletes the link.
Edit: And I realize the OP may think he's being helpful posting this as something that shouldn't be in the app store, but this is too much help, IMO.
Edit2: Thanks Dr. Q.
Edit3: Here's a quote from the previous site link that the OP kindly sent me so I could revise my comments: "What’s even more disturbing than the aforementioned hardcore porno images, are the pictures of young children also found within the Check myHottie app. By young, we don’t mean sixteen years old … rather in the five to twelve year old range. To be clear, there are NO nude underage pictures … however, the fact that these children are on display with hardcore pornography, coupled with the fact their images are receiving sexually orientated comments, is absolutely sick and disgusting (even the users of Check myHottie are offended by the images)." So, that's my point about the app and link. They may not have been nude, but we all know the inference being made here. And as stated in other parts of the article, the pics that were shown of the adults were mild in comparison to what is supposedly on the app itself. I wouldn't know or care. My problem is the kids being in the app, clothed or unclothed. That is all. I understand why the OP made the post, but I don't think we need to help advertise it.