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elisha cuthbert

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 25, 2006
Ive got a case for a 2.5" hard drive all it needs is a hard drive, would it be worth buying just a 2.5" hard drive or would it be more sense in buying a full set i guess youd call it
And i was hoping on spending under $100AUD
If it is no rush to get a hard drive for it, I would personaly just keep watching for a good sale somewhere on 2.5inch hd's. I am in the same boat. I have a 2.5 case with just an old 4gig in it. I want to upgrade it, just waiting for a good sale on a drive.
trogdor! said:
If it is no rush to get a hard drive for it, I would personaly just keep watching for a good sale somewhere on 2.5inch hd's. I am in the same boat. I have a 2.5 case with just an old 4gig in it. I want to upgrade it, just waiting for a good sale on a drive.
I have an old 4GB 2.5" HD but its too big for the case, it just died and i think it was made in 1997
Thakns for the input
It actualy was the only extra 2.5inch hd i had that actualy fit. I tried an old 2gig and even a 800mb, but they were all just slightly too tall. The 4gig im using is an old ibm i believe.
trogdor! said:
It actualy was the only extra 2.5inch hd i had that actualy fit. I tried an old 2gig and even a 800mb, but they were all just slightly too tall. The 4gig im using is an old ibm i believe.
That the problem why the 4GB ibm i was using up till acouple of weeks ago wouldnt fit in the case
just out of intrest what model ibm do you have?
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