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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 18, 2015
Hi, my name is Mark, I'm from Ukraine Donetsk city and I want to tell you about the history of developing application for you in extreme conditions.

When hostilities broke out on my land I have already worked on iOS projects for gamers , my idea was to combine all popular services for the players in one place such as Twitch, Reddit Gaming Channel, Gaming Tweets, YouTube gaming channels, Tumblr Gaming Channels and etc.

When the bomb has already fallen near my house in the summer, I realized that it was time to leave my home and moved with a friend in the center of Ukraine. Where we worked seven days a week for 4 months to finish the plan. It was hard to realize that we can lost our home, but we completed the project and were able to return home with ready-made applications!

Thanks to the support of my users from the first application LoL in One we can see my main product Portal Gaming which was created so hard in such difficult conditions, for you, gamers! App Store:

You can also see my other applications in social networks:

Twiiter -

Facebook -

I'd love to hear all your comments and criticism on my application!
I haven't looked at your app yet because I'm so transfixed by your inspiring story.

Courage, resoluteness, creativity... it's got it all, on top of a background of tension and tragedy.

I applaud your enterprising attitude and hard work! What an amazing example you set, in a world with too many whiners.
Hats off, Mark! When people still create despite being surrounded by destruction, that's absolutely awe inspiring. I lived in the Middle East during the Arab Spring and there I found a similarly amazing spirit like yours. It's determined people like you, who don't allow themselves to be seduced by war time opportunism and instead keep a positive, calm spirit alive, whose fruits will eventually outlive the chaos of the war many times. Keep up your dedication and stay safe! :)
Hats off, Mark! When people still create despite being surrounded by destruction, that's absolutely awe inspiring. I lived in the Middle East during the Arab Spring and there I found a similarly amazing spirit like yours. It's determined people like you, who don't allow themselves to be seduced by war time opportunism and instead keep a positive, calm spirit alive, whose fruits will eventually outlive the chaos of the war many times. Keep up your dedication and stay safe! :)
Thank you sir.
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