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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 2, 2006

I just finished redesigning my portfolio (actually, there are still bits that aren't finished — content-wise).

You can see it here.

Any comments are appreciated. :)
honestly - effectus design sounds stupid to me and it looks out of place with the rest of the site. I'm also not sure a portfolio needs a 'name' either.
Other than that it doesn't look too bad but your search bar (bottom right home page) does come out of the box on my firefox.

edit: and just as a side note, technically you're not supposed to link to sites which can be used for advertising etc either although this has always been a bit grey when coming to reviewing during the development stages.
Thanks for your reply.

I'm not very happy with the name at the moment — so I don't know whether I will keep it or not. What do you mean when you said it looks out of place?

The search bar isn't sticking out for me, what FF version are you using?
To me atleast the colour looks wrong in relation to your site, maybe a bit wishy washy too (got to love technical terms :)) - your site is very 'grey' (not a bad thing before you think it :)) and it kind of has the feel of the label on a back of a pair of jeans which isn't really in keeping with the rest of the style.
Now it might work with a slightly deeper colour but it might be better to decide on if you're keeping the name etc before tinkering etc.

As to the search bar - firefox latest version

I just finished redesigning my portfolio (actually, there are still bits that aren't finished — content-wise).

You can see it here.

Any comments are appreciated. :)


I have had a browse around your site.

Firstly i do like the design, i think its clean and not busy. I do however feel that the black navigation doesn't work with the rest of the site.

The person that posted before was right, the search box does hang off the edge, i am viewing this in the latest version of FF (Firefox/3.0.6). This problem also occurs in ie7.

After viewing your site in IE6, you need seriously need to sort your coding out, as i cannot even see the navigation links. Also in the footer the About me/search isnt displaying properly, and same with your title.

I think that seeing as this is your portfolio, maybe your logo should be "The portfolio of <h1>Fionn Breen</h1>", then your name will be remembered by potential employees. and you could have the url for example.

Apart from those few little things, i think the design is nice and clear.

I hope this helped :)
TreasureIsland said:
I do however feel that the black navigation doesn't work with the rest of the site.

The top nav bar is supposed to be brown, does it seem like black on your monitor?

Is this better?

TreasureIsland said:
After viewing your site in IE6, you need seriously need to sort your coding out, as i cannot even see the navigation links. Also in the footer the About me/search isnt displaying properly, and same with your title.

Yes, I'm aware of this — the code is valid HTML strict and IE6 still doesn't it properly, it's on my list of things to do. :)

I think that seeing as this is your portfolio, maybe your logo should be "The portfolio of <h1>Fionn Breen</h1>", then your name will be remembered by potential employees. and you could have the url for example.

Yes, me too, but I used to own that domain name but I lost it when I forgot to renew it, to buy it back would cost me $110+. I can't really afford that right now.

Thanks :)
I rather like it. The organization is good and you keep the number of pages nice and low. The portfolio is not just a list of sites you have done, but also a short description (something many designers don't do, but should). I do think a full size preview of images (perhaps with a lightbox-ish effect) and/or links to the actual sites (when they are sites) would be helpful.

On your contact page you should lose the "links of interest" or explain why they are of interest; they feel out of place. The text entered into the form on your contact page could be bigger; and the color chosen (like some of your other browns) seems to desaturated.

Something worth adding would be a few "case study" style profile pages. These are designs you have done that you choose to highlight by providing additional information in the form of the original design, detailed design request specification, and work in progress showing how you resolved problems and responded to client requests for changes midstream.

Another nice thing to provide would be a client worksheet download where you get potential clients to provide a design brief to help you get a feel for what they want.

Speaking of the design specifically, I think the comments regarding colors are good (if poorly described). I would warm and brighten up the browns (top bar and background) a smidge. The top bar is so dark I suspect many users (with dim monitors) won't even be able to see the textured effect which ties the bar in with the logo placard.

I like the placard but think some additional depth could be added. I know drop shadows are not out of fashion now (to my great displeasure), but I would like to see a subtle shadow on the placard and the top bar. Something subtle and used only to indicate that these objects (which are realistically textured) are physical objects. To that same end, I think the placard's edges could be tweaked so that they are not perfectly straight. It needn't looked distressed if you don't want, but a tilt and slight bend at the edges might further the realistic look (and would require a fancier drop shadow)

I like the use of a punch-out effect of the text on the placard (very 2009) but feel you lose the effect a bit by having the color of the text too white. It should either be tinted red-ish (like the placard but much lighter) or should be the color of the background (as if it was seen through the paper).

I would also like to see some small embellishments in the footer area to tie the bottom of the design back in with the top.
......The top bar is so dark I suspect many users (with dim monitors) won't even be able to see the textured effect which ties the bar in with the logo placard.

Even with a "not dim" monitor, the texture is hard to see and as others have said, at first glance the top bar does indeed look black.

As for the items listed under "What I can do"....I think you should rethink what you've put there. You're offering services to "small businesses and organizations" but I doubt that they'll understand what you're talking about when you use technical terms like "valid HTML markup, valid CSS documents, neat, semantic & structured code."

I question the need for a "search" feature on a portfolio site. It seems to me that your page links should take the visitors wherever they need to go.

And do you really want to include a blog on your portfolio site? Keeping it updated with relevant information can be time consuming and it looks bad if it isn't routinely updated
I rather like it. The organization is good and you keep the number of pages nice and low. The portfolio is not just a list of sites you have done, but also a short description (something many designers don't do, but should). I do think a full size preview of images (perhaps with a lightbox-ish effect) and/or links to the actual sites (when they are sites) would be helpful.

Yes, I think I might do that— just to give users that extra option.

On your contact page you should lose the "links of interest" or explain why they are of interest; they feel out of place. The text entered into the form on your contact page could be bigger; and the color chosen (like some of your other browns) seems to desaturated.

All good points*— the links of interest was kind of a space-filler, I'm going to can it.

Something worth adding would be a few "case study" style profile pages. These are designs you have done that you choose to highlight by providing additional information in the form of the original design, detailed design request specification, and work in progress showing how you resolved problems and responded to client requests for changes midstream.

Yes! I have seen this on a couple of other portfolio sites and it's really worth doing IMO. I will do this when I get around to it. :)

Another nice thing to provide would be a client worksheet download where you get potential clients to provide a design brief to help you get a feel for what they want.

I love this idea! Thanks. :)

Speaking of the design specifically, I think the comments regarding colors are good (if poorly described). I would warm and brighten up the browns (top bar and background) a smidge. The top bar is so dark I suspect many users (with dim monitors) won't even be able to see the textured effect which ties the bar in with the logo placard.

I've added a bit more colour to the top bar, what do you think of it now? If I saturate it anymore it becomes too close to the background colour and it loses a bit of contrast.

I like the placard but think some additional depth could be added. I know drop shadows are not out of fashion now (to my great displeasure), but I would like to see a subtle shadow on the placard and the top bar. Something subtle and used only to indicate that these objects (which are realistically textured) are physical objects. To that same end, I think the placard's edges could be tweaked so that they are not perfectly straight. It needn't looked distressed if you don't want, but a tilt and slight bend at the edges might further the realistic look (and would require a fancier drop shadow)

Adding shadows below the navbar is difficult, they look out of place IMO, I added a soft gradient from black to transparent on either side of the header which I think works pretty well. What do you think?

I like the use of a punch-out effect of the text on the placard (very 2009) but feel you lose the effect a bit by having the color of the text too white. It should either be tinted red-ish (like the placard but much lighter) or should be the color of the background (as if it was seen through the paper).

I agree 100% re the losing of effect when using white. I took it down to 95% so some of the red comes through.

I would also like to see some small embellishments in the footer area to tie the bottom of the design back in with the top.

I'm canning the blog so I'm going to redo the footer as one solid block, in the mean time I added a white dash to the top of the background to tie it back to top. Is that what you had in mind?

Thank you so much Lemon for the feedback, extremely articulate and useful critique. Cheers.

Even with a "not dim" monitor, the texture is hard to see and as others have said, at first glance the top bar does indeed look black.

As for the items listed under "What I can do"....I think you should rethink what you've put there. You're offering services to "small businesses and organizations" but I doubt that they'll understand what you're talking about when you use technical terms like "valid HTML markup, valid CSS documents, neat, semantic & structured code."

I question the need for a "search" feature on a portfolio site. It seems to me that your page links should take the visitors wherever they need to go.

And do you really want to include a blog on your portfolio site? Keeping it updated with relevant information can be time consuming and it looks bad if it isn't routinely updated

All good points, thank you. :)

I decided to can the blog, so that solves a few problems.
I have to agree with Chico on this one. It actually might motivate me to get mine going. As far as your portfolio having a name? I like it. Designers have been doing it for years. It may not be a necessity, but who cares? It usually helps me stand out. I've had people remember my portfolio name long before remembering my name:D
I like this a lot. I especially like the headers that span above the work icons to group them into categories. Unique. My brain was going 'but how will that work if he has x number of items' and then I saw that it was all figured out.

Very nice!
You might want to test the site in other browsers, somethings are jumbled in "Internet Explorer". Otherwise I think it looks great and professional :)
Great looking stuff. I am however a stickler for the small things. On the main page (index) your top nav bar reads:


Then when you switch to certain pages it changes to:


I would change it to one or the other in my opinion. My eye tends to drift up with the movement up top and away from your work.

Clean work and nice site.
ezekielrage_99 said:
Although I came across this the other day which might be useful

Smashing Magazine is great —*I read that article as well the other day. :)

Then when you switch to certain pages it changes to:

Oops, there are still quite a few errors.

Thanks guys! :D
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