Yea, people prefer to whine and complain. Oh, wow, the glass is 10% empty!
Yes, Apple Music is a buggy mess. Not the first Apple service that starts out like that. But I think since the service was launched, I have listened to about 12 hours of music. So I can whine all I want about the bugs, it doesn't change the fact that I have gotten quite a lot of value out of this. Without paying a single Cent so far.
Once I have managed to add the songs I want to a playlist, everything works great. No crashes, no hickups, no distortions, no other weird issues. So the main function of this service actually works very very well for me. All the other stuff are highly annoying but circumstantial bugs that will get fixed.
The "For You" recommendations are really very good, and I have already gotten some interesting new stuff out of that. The automatically generated radio stations are also great, and I have a growing "Discovered on Apple Music" playlist.
When I was a teenager, I discovered music by hanging out with other guys my age with a similar taste of music, and someone brought in a new album, and we listened to it and got hooked on it. I actually got calls from friends who got some new music they wanted me to listen to. I haven't been in a situation like this for 25 years, because as an adult, I really don't hang out with other adults who say, "Hey, I got this great new album, let's check it out!" Apple Music gives me that feeling again, no matter how annoying this or that bug might be.