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macrumors 603
Original poster
Mar 14, 2008
I have an early 2008(non unibody) MBP.

I've recently had some odd symptoms, random kernel panics, applications refusing to open, dashboard widgets crashing, spinning beachballs, refusing to shut down, and whatnot. Ran verify disk from disk utility and it told me I needed to repair the disk, which I did from the OS X install CD. The computer worked fine for 2 days, and the problems started again, it is beachballing on shutdown as we speak.

I immediately associated this with a bad hard drive as my previous one died the same kind of death. I took it out, took it to the local shop I bought it from, had them test it in hopes of getting a new one and being on my merry way, that was not to be. The disk checks out perfectly, so I can rule that one out for now.

Before anybody ask, yes I do have a backup of everything, and it is not my only machine so I can live with it being gone for a bit.

The RAM is not from apple, but it has worked for the past 3 years without a hiccup so I'm guessing that isn't it. We're left with the logic board...

I'll be attempting to use the apple hardware test(extended) in a few instants if this machine ever shuts down, and report back with my findings if any, in the mean time, does anyone have another idea? I have a genius bar appointement tomorrow AM(the apple store just opened in my city), so I'll be testing these guys out as well...
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macrumors 603
Original poster
Mar 14, 2008
Update: the computer refuses to boot into the apple hardware test, I have the correct disk inserted and I am holding "D" on boot... It goes straight to the home screen.

Good news, hardware test is running.

miles01110, though I've never seen it happen personally, I guess it IS possible for RAM to go bad 3 years after installation.

The computer has never had any spills, has been dropped once 1.5 years ago from about a foot high onto the DVD corner, there is a tiny dent in it and that's it.

When I fished out my HDD it was pretty dusty in there(but not overly so).

I can afford a new MBP right now, but I'd much rather keep this one, it's my first apple computer and I'm attached to it :eek:
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macrumors regular
Sep 12, 2006
...I can afford a new MBP right now, but I'd much rather keep this one, it's my first apple computer and I'm attached to it :eek:

I have one of those. And I have a new MBP on order. I will not be able to part with my '08 C2D. I'll put it in my Mac museum with the others.

Buy a new one and keep the old one!


macrumors 603
Original poster
Mar 14, 2008
One bit of dust shorting the wrong pins will do it. It's not that difficult.

Similarily, I haven't seen many logic boards fail after 3 years installation either. Clearly YMMV.

I have that dreaded nVidia 8600gt though, so these logic board do fail once in a blue moon. A friend of mine had an earlier revision and had the logic board replaced twice under warranty(not applecare mind you) so it is possible.

I'll be able to tell more once the hardware test is done...

I have one of those. And I have a new MBP on order. I will not be able to part with my '08 C2D. I'll put it in my Mac museum with the others.

Buy a new one and keep the old one!

The impulsive and fun thing to do would be just that. But I honestly do not need the power of the quad cores, I'm an engineering student and get by just fine with my two cores, I don't game either. The 7 hour battery life is tempting though..

No suggestions, really?
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macrumors 603
Original poster
Mar 14, 2008
Switch out the RAM, or wait until your appointment. Your options at this point are limited.

Original ram was sold, so that's not an option unfortunately.

Apple hardware test tells me there isn't a problem... odd.
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macrumors member
Mar 29, 2006
I had that model and it wasn't the ram that had any problems. It turned out to be the nvidea chip was faulty and kept crashing. I was still under warranty and Apple replaced free of charge with the first uni-body Mac. There isn't much you can do with that model as any replacement of the logic board will be with that model nvidea chip. It may crash again sooner or later because of over heating.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Mar 14, 2008
If anyone is interested to know: the problem is the nVidia chip, I'm getting a new logic board for free, they are ordering it and letting me know when to come in with the computer.

Edit: I mentioned some artifacting I'd been having when using the top sites in safari(artifacting only occurred in the window itself) and the genius pulled out his nVidia test hard drive, it gave an error instantly, he printed out a bill, and told me they'd call me when the logic board came in, and I grabbed the MBP(which I am typing on right now) and went on my merry way.
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