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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 10, 2003
Berkeley, CA
Not that i have any intention to do so, but would it be possible to convert my ITMS downloaded songs into un-protected AAC or MP3 files? Could this be done? Could people do this and then upload to limewire and the like? anybody know??
It's been commonly discussed that burning AACs to a CD strips all Digital Rights Management. It's a "normal" CD.

Originally posted by arn
It's been commonly discussed that burning AACs to a CD strips all Digital Rights Management. It's a "normal" CD.


You'd probably loose some qualkity if re-ripped into mp3 as said in previous threads though...
it's been commonly discussed that burning AACs to a CD strips all Digital Rights Management. It's a "normal" CD.


so the files are only SOLD as protected AAC? they can be burned and then reripped as "Normal" files? they are not forever locked into being protected? this seems to be a pretty easy and obvious way to get these "Exclusive" tracks onto p2p networks PDQ...
yes, there are programs you can use to convert AAC to MP3, but i don't know about the 'unprotected' part. i guess you'd just have to try it.

and if you do try it, let us know the results. ;) :)
Well, I don't know of any way to put DRM in MP3, and I don't really know of anybody else using a lot of AAC files, so I would think it's a safe bet that the AAC->MP3 convertors will work fine for what you're proposing.
Originally posted by theipodgod16
so the files are only SOLD as protected AAC? they can be burned and then reripped as "Normal" files? they are not forever locked into being protected? this seems to be a pretty easy and obvious way to get these "Exclusive" tracks onto p2p networks PDQ...

Yes. You can burn them to CD and rerip them. If you reencode them to another lossy format (MP3, for example), you'll lose some quality... but depends on how anal you are.

this is no big secret... it's been discussed everywhere.

Another solution that is not as widely discussed is WireTap. This app lets you simply record any audio being played. You want to make sure that you have the alert sounds and instant messenger sounds and stuff like that turned off though, because it literally records the outgoing sound, so if any alerts sounded while recording the song, they would be in the newly created audio file. Very easy to use, and it's a way of getting the song and potentially retaining the quality.
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