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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 3, 2006
Supposedly they are the same chip, only one is of higher quality than the other. It could work though right? Maybe even just a clock up to 2.9?
I'd overclock an AMD proccessor but I wouldn't try that with Intel, I think the heat would dramatically effect the long term usage of the proccessor.

But in theory and know the FSB and Multipliers settings I think you could do that, it has been done with the Mac Minis before.
Hmmm, I wouldn't expect it would though eh? No way around that? Like how a video card can be overclocked inside the OS?
The new intels are VERY overclockable! And this is even better than overclocking being these chips are pretty much the same as the 3.0.
YoYoMa said:
The new intels are VERY overclockable! And this is even better than overclocking being these chips are pretty much the same as the 3.0.

but without a MB that is capable of such things, there is no way to overclock the chips.

Would be nice though!
ezekielrage_99 said:
I'd overclock an AMD proccessor but I wouldn't try that with Intel, I think the heat would dramatically effect the long term usage of the proccessor.

But in theory and know the FSB and Multipliers settings I think you could do that, it has been done with the Mac Minis before.

Gotta love a fanboy. If you did even a little bit of homework you'd find that Intel chips typically overclosck to a much greater extent than AMD Chips. Expecially on the high end. For instance, I have a 2.66 GHz Pentium D that has been running happily, air cooled, at 3.8 GHz for months of 24/7 uptime. A friend and I tried to Overclock his FX-62 and failed miserable, rendering the computer unable to beet after only a few hundred mhz increase.

Read a blog or two, or better yet, get some experience, before you go mouthing offf on a message board.
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