I updated the video card in a Mac pro and the new card has only DVI and HDMI. The existing Cinema display has only thunderbolt/mini-DP. Is it possible to connect the two? I'm beginning to suspect the two are not electrically compatible, so I'll need a more expensive hardware solution than just a cable adapter. But perhaps something like this? https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812200691 plus https://www.newegg.com/Product/Prod...displayport_female-_-1B4-0087-00131-_-Product
That will take the Cinema display input miniDP male --> (miniDP female--DVI male) --> DVI female GPU output.
Is that correct? Do I need to worry about this being possible despite the connections physically being there? Any other suggestion? Thanks!
That will take the Cinema display input miniDP male --> (miniDP female--DVI male) --> DVI female GPU output.
Is that correct? Do I need to worry about this being possible despite the connections physically being there? Any other suggestion? Thanks!