Don't think the link says what you think it does. And apples to oranges.
iCloud Keychain is end-to-end encrypted, and Apple does not have the key for that.
Keychains, in general, are safe but not unbreakable. In short, greatly helps to have physical access to the devices. If one does not have physical access and has only files taken from said devices or backups, still need to know user's devices' passcodes, Apple ID password, by-pass user's 2FA to get the process going.
From the ElcomSoft presentation conclusions:
- Sync and recovery: different approaches
- Trusted circle: not hard to get in, but leaves traces
- Both sync and recovery can be used (mixed)
- Need to have credentials
- Need to have trusted device
...or SMS
- Need to know iCSC
...or device passcode
- Legacy 2SV: forget it
- With 2FA, keychain is always stored in iCloud
- No 2FA, no iCSC: most safe from TLA?
- Get Continuation token (+machine ID) to obtain full access without anything else!
- ...implementation is still relatively secure
If some three-letter organization is looking to get into your stuff, one is out of luck as they have probably impounded all of one's gizmos and have physical access. Some rando or local po-po getting anything secretly, not happening unless one falls for a phishing scam.